Alastor 💧

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-Panic attacks ig?


Something was wrong with Alastor when he came back from wherever he went after fighting Adam. Everyone was too distracted with his presence and not-dead-ness that they didn't notice. Husk did. While he seemed fine on the outside, the cat knew very well he's fucking losing it inside.

Under normal circumstances, Husk would've been able to snap at Alastor without consequence. He'd be able to say most things to other people he would not. Husk would have been able to tell Al that he was a dumbass for disappearing like that, for being an asshole, for whatever. Summary is Husk can be an asshole to Alastor. Normally.

'You look like shit. Did someone come in and piss on you-'

'Husk,' Alastor cuts in, voice lacking its static and cheer. Husk shuts up. 'I suggest you watch your tone.'

Alastor clutches his empty glass tighter, raising his head to face the bartender. Husk, clutching his bottle of alcohol, falls silent. He tops the deer off, and walks to the other side of the bar to talk to Angel. The spider keeps his gaze on the deer, who downs the glass, walking off soon after.

'What's wrong with him?'

'I don't know.' Husk watches the deer walk into the corner, most likely into his shadow realm or whatever. 'He's been acting like that ever since Extermination Day.'

'I mean, he did probably die to that angel.' Angel manages a weak chuckle, finishing his drink. 'Musta fucked him up.'

'No.' Husk shakes his head, walking over to pick the deer's glass up, wiping it down with a rag. 'He didn't die. Have you noticed something of his that's missing?'

'His irritating voice?'

As much as Husk doesn't want to admit it, it's true- Aside from the eerily silent smiles and frequent chatter he makes with maybe one or two people at the same time, he hasn't been as outspoken as before. In groups he's silent, mind wandering somewhere else, smile not reaching his eyes. Regardless of this partial truth, Husk shakes his head.

'No. His staff. It's gone.'

'Oh, yeah,' Angel stretches out. 'That talking staff that gave him radio noises. He lose a parta him or what?'

Husk purses his lips, shrugging. Truth is he doesn't really know how significant that staff was. Alastor seemed to have been carrying it ever since the cat ended up here, leaning on it, having it tangled with his arms. He never really took any second glances at it- It just seemed an accessory. Husk recalls, when he was alive, canes were the accessory to have, followed closely by monocles and suits. Alastor was always very on top of staying "in", so it would make sense that a want to stay in fashion followed him into Hell.

But for losing a mere accessory that he didn't even need, this reaction was a bit much. When Alastor has freak-outs like these, Husk has always been there to help him through it, as would Alastor with Husk, yet this time, something tells Husk he should stay back.

'Well, whatever happened on that roof,' Angel begins, hopping off his bar stool, taking his phone out of his pocket, 'The Vees have been fuckin' estatic that he's "dead".' He shows Husk a video on Sinstagram from The Vee's joint account- Vox and Valentino are dancing and celebrating Alastor's loss. The cat frowns, disregarding the video, picking up Angel's glass to wipe it down.

Conversation having been deemed over, Angel walks off.


Sleeping a floor below Alastor doesn't leave a lot to imagination when it comes to wondering how the man sounds when he's asleep. If he sleeps. Husk and Niffty share the same room, with their boss in close proximity, so if you'd ask the two how it sounds at night below the Radio Demon, before Extermination Day, they'd have a very detailed answer.

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