GuitarApple 🍋

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-Slight non-con
-Lucifer was fine with it in the end though


"So then we fucked, and it was awesome.. and then I fucked another chick later."

Lucifer had his face in his hands the entire time, longing to be anywhere else.

"Adam, please. Just tell me why you called me to this damn meeting." He took his face out of his hands, looking around with a raised eyebrow.

"And where's the exterminator bitch? Normally you bring her with you-"

"This was a.. private matter." Adam had a smug look on his face, different from usual. But Lucifer chose to ignore it.

"What private matter? Spit it out." Lucifer's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Straight to the point huh? We could at least get associated first." Adam rolled his eyes. He snapped and a cup of tea appeared in front of the king. Adam's smirk grew.

Lucifer groaned. "If I drink this shit will you just tell me what you want?"

"Of course, your highness."

Lucifer's cheeks lit up at the angel's tone and he grabbed the tea, chugging it without a second thought. When he finished he set it back down on the table, shaking his head.

"Now what do you-"

His breath hitched as he attempted to speak, taking long, shaky breaths. His face grew hot, turning light pink. He felt his pants tighten around his crotch.

His eyes widened and he looked at Adam, who was looking at him smugly.

"Did you drug me?!"

"Duh. Why would you even bother asking if it's obvious?" Adam rolled his eyes, keeping his smirk as he got up. He walked over to the king, grabbing him and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I'm going to make you fucking scream."


"Oh God- y-you bitch, sto- augh, f-fuck..~"

Lucifer panted, his fists clenched and banging on the table he had been bent over for the past hour or so.

Adam chuckled, continuing to thrust into the king hard and fast. He leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Sure sounds like you don't want me to stop, Luci~"

"Sh-shut up! I-I'm only like this b-because of that f-fuckin' a-aphrodisiac! Ngh~ FUCK-"

He moaned loudly as the angel hit his prostate, squeezing his eyes shut and arching his back.

"There we go.." Adam continued to hit that same spot over and over, driving the shorter man insane.

"FUCK! Adam, don't stop! Don't you DARE fucking stop!" Lucifer was moaning out his name repeatedly, pulling on his own hair roughly as his breathing got heavier.

"Shit, you're so tight.. I'm so close baby~"

"Do it inside.. j-just hurry the f-fuck up!" Lucifer looked back at him, tears streaming down his red face.

A few moments later Adam's breath hitched and he moaned, releasing inside of the king. Lucifer came right after, spilling all over the table.

The angel pulled out and Lucifer whimpered, falling limp onto the floor.

Adam picked him up, sitting him on the table and closing the gap between them, their lips meeting roughly.

Lucifer ran his hands up into Adam's hair, which was out thanks to him having torn the mask off of the angel earlier.

Adam's hands explored every inch of the king's body before pulling away, both panting and eyes half-lidded.

"..You're so dead. God saw that."

"Who gives a fuck. If I'm sent to Hell, we can do this more often." Adam smirked and went down, sucking and licking on Lucifer's exposed neck.

The king let out a quiet moan as he tugged on the Angel's hair, moving his head back to provide more access.

Adam pulled away and snickered. "Can't wait for Lilith to find out~"

"Shut up, I killed her last month."



I know most of you are like "what the fuck was that ending?"

It was a beautiful ending, shush.

Next chapter is Huskerdust. Fluff, angst, or smut?


Word Count: 660

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