StaticMoth 🍋🐑

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-No plot, just smut
-Denial of feelings


Valentino shuddered as Vox's electrifying fingers pinched and rolled his nipples simultaneously. He licked his dry lips, biting his bottom lip as he clenched the sheets between his hands. His bottom set of hands were bent behind him, keeping his ass cheeks open as Vox thrusted sensually into him, rocking his hips with practiced expertise, hitting the pimp in all the right places.

The digital overlord had the moth bent over, face down ass up, sensually fucking into his tight hole at a torturous pace.

Valentino hated when Vox made love to him. He couldn't really explain it but the whole act made his fur stand on end and left a sinking feeling in his gut.

He liked to be fucked, rough, hard, and fast. Choke him, bite him, slap him, SOMETHING but all the tender touches and kisses along his neck and back just felt...wrong.

Another searing kiss to the middle of his shoulder blades made his back arch as he rocked back, meeting his lover's thrusts enthusiastically, relishing in the way he felt Vox's cock throb inside of him.

"Valentino~." The pure lust that dripped from his lover's silky smooth voice had the moth practically shaking, a strangled moan ripping from his throat.

That voice, oh God that voice. The tech lord knew what he did to his lover when he talked to him in that low, erotic tone...but that weird heavy feeling (that was not an orgasm) would just not leave!

Valentino tried to rock his hips harder, prompting Vox to go faster, "Oh come on papacito, I know you can fuck me harder than that~♡." He purred at his partner.

Another soft kiss to his back and then a lick all the way up the expanse of his back had him bucking and moaning like a touch starved virgin. Vox kissed the nape of his neck making the pimp virtually melt, "I'm not fucking you tonight darling, I just wanna keep doing this. Just. Like. This." With every word he snapped his hips forward to attack Val's prostate perfectly.

Whyyy?? Valentino bemoaned in his lust hazy mind. He loved Vox- NO, NO, NO, NO.



Run that back. He did NOT love Vox, ew, no he....just cared for him that's all. He was a dear friend and knew Valentino better than he knew himself. He cared for Vox, same as Velvette or any of his random sex partners, Vox was no different at all.

Vox thrusted harshly, groaning out as he stayed nestled close to Valentino for a moment, bending down to wrap his arms around Valentino's lengthy torso. Doggy style was always a weird position for them due to their size difference but Valentino didn't care. The feeling of Vox's warm skin against his was electric, the digital lord's heart thumping against Valentino's back.


Valentino bristled as he hurriedly shrugged Vox off of his back, whimpering as he maneuvered his body to turn around while the tech tycoon was still inside. He smirked as he opened his legs wide, welcoming the new position of his lover nestled in between his legs. Vox caressed his right leg as he stretched the lengthy appendage straight out. Valentino took pride in his flexibility as he watched Vox take hold of his thigh and slowly push his leg down towards his body. The two fools smiled wickedly at each other as Vox succeeded at pushing it down all the way to the moth's head, where Valentino then moaned out loud, "Voxy baby, don't tease me!" He chuckled, letting his leg back down, playing idly with his pierced nipple, "Come on and fuck me~♡."

Vox resumed his slow deliberate pace, gripping Valentino's slender hips as he continued to fuck him slow and steady, "How many times do I have to say it my little lunar butterfly? Just enjoy this. Since when do you have a problem being a pillow princess?"

"Since this pillow princess has been ready to cum almost an hour ago! Come on mi amor, fuck me like you mean it!" Valentino begged.

Ha, begging. Him.

Vox was the only person who could leave Valentino like this; a moaning, withering, whimpering, begging mess, dripping globs of precum onto his chistled stomach, streaks of dried up arousal being proof of just how long the digital man had been fucking the him.

Vox's hand snaked around Valentino's throbbing cock, jerking it in sync with his thrusts. Valentino rolled his head to the side to moan into his bicep, "Ah!! Shit Voxxy baby right there!"

Vox bent down to kiss his chest, sneaking his way up to suck at the mothman's nipples, enjoying toying with the gold barbells pierced through them, "Fuck Vally you feel so good. You're squeezing me in all the right places, fuck." Vox groaned out.

Valentino smirked as he flexed his insides, making his slick walls contort to his lover's length. Vox practically vibrated with energy, sparking little sparks of electricity dancing across his fingers as he dragged the tips of his claws along the expanse of purple skin.

The coil began to tighten in Valentino's gut, his cock still dripping onto his stomach. Vox was still going at a leisure pace, rolling into Val instead of pounding him into oblivion and the pimp still just needed more.

"I'm fallin' asleep over here Vox! You know you gotta give me more than that~." He whined, eyes rolling to the back of his head as the tech lord stroked his prostate over and over.

"You want more?" Vox smirked at Valentino's enthusiastic nods, "Alright baby. I'll give you more."

The smaller overlord sped up his pace just a tad, bending over to kiss Val's chest, right over his heart. The moth winced at the intimacy of it all but was left breathless when Vox straightened back up to glance at him with smug resolve.

"I love you."

Sirens immediately fired off in the moth's head, the random fluttering in his stomach (and heart) battling for dominance against his anxiety as he yelled at himself to say something!

"Vox shut up, I don't want to hear that shit right now." He snarled, his tone lacking the bite he wished he could muster in the moment.

"I love your body, it's so perfect for me, like you were sent to Hell just for me to enjoy. All mine. Forever mine Vally baby."

"Ahh~! S-shut up Vox!" Valentino cried, hiding his blushing face in his arm. Vox refused to let him look away, slightly turning his face back with his fingertips on Val's chin, forcing him to make eye contact.

"No one knows you like I do Valentino. No one loves you like I do. I know your mind, body, and soul darling, inside and out. You are my everything~♡."

"Fuck!!" Valentino cried out feeling his climax ripping out of his body against his will. Just as he could feel the very start of his orgasm, Vox leaned down to whisper one more thing to the pimp.

"And I know you'll never admit it, but I know you love me too~."

Valentino felt suffocated with affection, his mouth not releasing a single sound as his cock violently spurted streams of cum across his torso. His hips bucked uncontrollably as Vox thrusted one last time, releasing inside him with a breathy moan.

Valentino was thoroughly satisfied, the feeling of warm cum gushing out his filled hole sedating his ravenous sex drive.

He quickly grabbed Vox by his shoulders to pull the smaller overlord to his chest. He giggled as his flat screen face smacked against his skin.

The tech lord struggled in his lover's arms. "Val come on, you know I hate this position. Let me up." All the warmth and admiration gone from his voice, his usual lax grumpiness taking back its place as his primary personality.

Valentino smiled to himself as he held the upset overlord in his arms, not caring about his protests as he decided to relish in the afterglow.

Besides, if he let Vox up now, he would see the tears in his eyes that he absolutely refused to let fall.


Hope you all enjoyed! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 1375

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