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-Past StaticMoth
-Top Alastor
-Val gives Vox a porn virus


It wasn't too often that Vox would join Valentino on his outing to clubs. Valentino would usually use the time there to have sex with many demons desperate enough, or offer "down in the dump sluts" (Valentino's words) jobs at his studio. The club scene wasn't really Vox's cup of tea, there were too many demons for his liking, especially the horny ones. Dealing with a horny Valentino was already hard enough, Vox wasn't going to deal with a dozen more of him. Vox was sitting at a round curved sofa, with a couple of female demons all surrounding Valentino. "Don't you think so Voxxy?" Valentino purred, taking Vox's attention. "Uh..pardon?" Valentino looked displeased that Vox wasn't paying attention to him. He tipped one of the demon's chin up, and faced her towards Vox, judging by her appearance, she must be based on an angler fish. "Don't you think she's gorgeous~? How much money do you think we can make off of her?" Valentino's iconic demon smile started peaking through, feeling as if he was taunting Vox (after all, they just broke up not too long ago..).

"Gorgeous as always Val, you know how to pick your employees" Vox says with a huff, now looking away from Valentino and onto the crowd of the demons dancing on the dance floor. "Aww.. Voxxy don't be that way~" Valentino reached over and grabbed Vox's chin, now facing Valentino. Vox's brows furrowed, showing how much he is displeased by this. "How about, we show our lovely ladies one of your... unique qualities" Valentino whispered into Vox's ear. Vox knew what Valentino was talking about, there were a couple of times that Valentino would make Vox display porn on his screen, as Vox could only just helplessly watched Valentino jerk off in front of him. Vox never liked doing it, it made him feel like an object of pleasure for Val, as he would never let Vox touch him, or touch Vox while he was doing it.

Though, Vox had to admit, he loves being the center of attention. "Fine" Vox begrudgingly agrees. Valentino grabs hold of Vox's head and opens up an incognito tab, using Vox's new touch-screen face to navigate through the internet. "Lets see here..." Valentino was struggling to navigate on the internet, with his terrible eyesight (even though Velvette and Vox have tried telling him to get prescribed glasses). The couple of girls at their table were giggling, Vox assuming it was at Valentino's pathetic eyesight. Vox can feel Valentino's fingers on his screen, remembering all the different times he used it for his own pleasure, but now Valentino is showing it off as if it was some sort of party trick. "what is this ad?" Valentino's eyes squinting as he tries to make out the words on the ad.

Vox's body surges backwards as a few sparks left his finger tips, ruffling up Valentino's fluff. "AGH! what the fuck!?" Valentino yells in anger and confusion at the random sparks, the two girls gasp, rushing over to try to fix Valentino's fluff. Vox was holding onto his head, his brain felt like it was being invaded, it was a very odd sensation, and a very unpleasant one. "Wh-xzat did y-y-yu dxo!?" Vox says sternly to Valentino, taking Val by surprise, as Vox has never had a problem with this before (to his knowledge). "I clicked on some random ad with a picture of a cute chica" Valentino shrugs, sending Vox into a pit filled with rage. "WHAZXXT!?" Vox's body starts twitching as his head is glitching out from rage and whatever virus Valentino got into his head. Valentino rolls his eyes, one of them twitching, "Sorry sorry alright? My bad" was all Vox was going to get out of Valentino. Vox got up from the table and stomps his way out of the club, hearing Valentino's "wait"s and "sorry"s, as he exits the club.

'Stupid fucking Val.. giving me a stupid virus on a fucking porn site? Aurgh!' Vox vents his frustrations in his head. He can feel his head getting extremely hot, and hear the fans in his head working overtime to try to keep his head as cool as they possibly can. Thankfully it was late at night, no sinners were outside, so Vox doesn't have to worry about his publicity being tarnished from something so stupid. Vox's legs were stumbling, his whole head felt like mush, the slight wind blowing against him was sending shivers down his spine. Vox has dealt with viruses before, he's dealt with them many times and updated himself to fight off the newer ones, but this? this was something different, something he hasn't dealt with before. Vox was looking at the ground as he walked, holding his glitching head in place, trying to keep it together. Vox wasn't looking at where he was going, so it wasn't a surprise when he ended up bumping into someone. "Ah-- Sxzzorrrry" Vox slurs out, looking up to see who he bumped into.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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