EmiLute 🍋🐑

433 5 4

-Short, sorry
-Top Lute
-Lute is.. very kinky


Emily knew she shouldn't be standing at Lute's door but she wanted to spend the night with the angel. She knew what Lute was interested in, and it would be a sin to lie and say that she wasn't interested. Emily was curious about the things Lute did, and she wanted to experience it for herself. She had a hell of a hard time trying to find information about it (thanks to Adam) but once she got the gist of some things, it still didn't quell her curiosity. Emily knew she needed to experience the real thing. When Lute opened her door, she was about to snap at who was at her door but when she noticed that it was Emily, she immediately thought about what she had to say to her. "Hey, Doll," Lute greeted, causing Emily to blush at the nickname. "Is everything okay?"

Emily knew she had to be honest with the angel. They were in Heaven. Of course, she had to tell the truth. "I heard about the things you do," she started to speak, and Lute couldn't help but chuckle at the words Emily was saying. So innocent. Lute knew what Emily was referring to but she never expected the other angel to be interested in it. She placed the palm of her hand against Emily's cheek to get her attention.

"You want me to be my slut of the night, Doll?" Lute questioned, and she watched Emily's throat bobble as she swallowed.

"Yes," Emily said one word, and even though Lute understood she was saying yes, she wanted to walk the shorter angel through her rules.

"Come in, we have a lot to talk about," Lute knew she needed to go over things with Emily as she does the same with the other angels who seek her out. She wanted to know Emily's likes, dislikes, and her avoidances. She wanted to treat Emily like a princess but in order to do that, she had to learn what the angel enjoyed in an intimate setting. Lute pulled out a notebook, and Emily could do nothing except blush when she realized that Lute's bedroom looked like a sex dungeon, even if all of her things were hidden. Lute let Emily sit on her bed, and Lute placed herself right beside the shorter angel.

Emily could feel nothing except for Lute's body heat, and she bit her lip when Lute's hands flexed when she lifted her pen, getting prepared to write. "-ily? Emily?" Lute called her name twice, catching the angel's attention the second time.

"S-sorry, I got distracted," Emily blushed even harder when Lute gently took Emily's chin in her hand.

"You find me alluring?" Lute knew how to read people, and seeing the way Emily was quivering when she started to sit next to her; she knew Emily was attracted to her, even if Emily couldn't name what she was feeling. "Have you ever had sex before?" Lute asked, making Emily drop her gaze. "Look at me," Lute gently commanded. A shiver ran through Emily's body, and she obeyed the order, looking back into Lute's golden eyes. "There's a good girl," another shiver made Emily want to close her eyes but she wanted to keep being a good girl for Lute. "You're trying so hard to remain my good girl," Lute couldn't help but smirk at the sight, knowing she was handling a virgin. Lute knew Emily was interested in the things she did but she wasn't about to throw a virgin into a kink she barely knew anything about. "I'm going to be honest with you, Doll. BDSM isn't for beginners but I can show you the ropes, literally and figuratively," Lute knew she found Emily's innocence very adorable. However, she also commended the young woman for being brave enough to try something new.

"Please," Emily begged Lute to touch her, wanting to feel the other angel's hands on her body. She was aching for Lute to touch her, and when Lute finally slipped her fingers inside Emily's cunt, the shorter angel whimpered at the sensation, happy that the taller angel was touching her. "Thank you," her words sent heat to Lute's cunt, and she smiled at the way Emily's body trembled underneath her touch.

"One day, I will be able to use those whips and ropes on you but not today, sweetheart," Lute wanted to be able to teach Emily everything about what she knows as a domme. She didn't know everything but she knew more than enough to be able to teach Emily how she went about things. I want to make sure she feels safe enough with me as her domme. Lute didn't want her to go to anyone else. "I'll take care of you," she promised, and Emily smiled at the other angel, trusting everything Lute was saying to her.


Hope you all enjoyed! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 827

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