RadioGuitarApple 🍋

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-Adam and Alastor top
-Lucifer getting all the attention
-No plot, just smut


Lucifer whimpered, his head reclined back and eyes squeezed tightly shut. He had a gloved hand over his mouth to suppress his moans, his face flushed red and sweaty.

Adam smirked, licking a long, slow stripe along the bottom of the king's cock.

Alastor smirked as he watched him, both of his hands fondling Lucifer's sensitive nipples.

When he squeezed the blonde squeaked, lurching a bit. Precum leaked from his tip and Adam happily licked it up, sucking lightly at the tip.

Lucifer's breath hitched and he choked back a moan, eyes stretching wide open.

Alastor looked down and their eyes met. The radio demon leaned down and grabbed Lucifer's hand off of his mouth, pinning it above his head before connecting their lips in a wet, passionate kiss.

Adam chuckled at this action, giving the king's cock another lick before going down to suck at his balls.

Lucifer moaned loudly into the kiss, reaching his free hand up into Alastor's hair and tugging on it.

Alastor grunted from this, enjoying the pain and pleasure it gave his body. He pulled away from Lucifer and joined Adam between his legs, placing teasing kisses on the king's thighs.

Lucifer looked down at the two, eyebrows knitting together as he continued to attempt to hold back his moans.

When Adam and Alastor pulled back they smirked at each other before going back down, the radio demon sucking on Lucifer's cock and Adam continuing to suck on his balls.

Lucifer let out a choked cry, arching his back as he stared up at the ceiling of the room. Tears flooded his eyes, slowly falling down his cheeks as he continued to whimper and cry.

Alastor chuckled, pulling off of his dick.

"You have quite the vocal range when you're horny, your majesty~"

Lucifer let out a shaky breath at the radio demon's tone, eyes widening once more as he felt himself get pulled upwards. Adam was lining his dick up with the king's entrance, giving him a smirk.


"Shh.." Alastor placed a finger over the king's quivering lips, keeping his same smug smile that he always had.

"You wouldn't want to wake dear Charlie, would you?"


Sorry this was short, I was in a bit of a rush to get it done because of how long I've kept you all waiting-

Well, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 414

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