VelMilla 🍋

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-Descriptive sex
-Author is lazy
-No plot, just smut


Velvette stared up at the woman holding her against the wall, feeling just how tall she was rather than just observing. She looked down, able to see right down Carmilla's cleavage. Her nervous smile was soon accompanied by a blush. Carmilla's grip on the lower Overlord tightened, and she smirked at Velvette. "This is going to be fun." She says in a rather monotone voice, walking closer to her.

"Ya say that like... like it's a surprise, ya fuck... f-fucking..." Velvette was shushed by the distance between them closing rapidly, not even being much to begin with. Carmilla's breasts were now practically right below Velvette's head, and the woman's loving stare never left the girl's eyes.

Velvette swallowed, stuttering more than before. Despite the spontaneous display she put on at the meeting, she couldn't take control of this situation. Here, Carmilla was in control. And Velvette was going to know that in more ways than one.

"You're cute." Carmilla says, cupping Vette's chin between her index finger and thumb. The girl chuckled at this, smirking up at her. "Bitch, I'm adorable!" Carmilla's smile widened, only confirming what she thought of her. She leaned down, locking their lips together. She slowly took the lead, pushing her tongue past Velvette's lips, feeling her lover's tongue just then.

Not wanting to narrate kissing, the writer then referred to Velvette's fingers hooking under the collar of Carmilla's top, not bothering to unbutton it as she impatiently yanked at the fabric. Their tongues rolled around each other as Vette's arousal rose, her hands tugging at the dominant woman's clothing. One of Carmine's hands reached down, teasingly rubbing a finger against Velvette's clothed cunt. She could feel how wet she already was. She clearly didn't wear panties today. As if they'd be of any use.

Velvette moaned into the kiss, her hands desperately trying to rip off her lover's clothing and start gripping at the lovely breasts hidden beneath, but Carmilla stopped her with her other hand, letting Vette fall to the ground (don't worry, she obviously landed on her feet).

"God, you're insatiable. Just stand back, and wait a bit longer." She says, backing up. Before Velvette was about to retort, Carmine began unbuttoning her top. To Velvette's dismay, it was a painfully slow process. Her lust was only increasing by the minute, and she wanted nothing more than to just tackle Carmilla and start ravaging that luscious body. And Carmilla knew this, and wanted to practically edge the girl as much as she could.

As soon as the buttons were no more, her clothing slid off with ease, revealing her breasts to the impatient girl. Knowing that this was the night they'd have their first time together, she felt no need to wear anything underneath. "Would ya look at that- miss high-and-mighty walkin' around with her tits covered by a button-up coat." "You're one to talk, having a lust demon walking around while you don't have any panties on." The ladies share a few giggles as Vette walks closer, firmly gripping Carmine's tits.

"Ah-ah-ah~" Carmilla says, gripping her wrists. "You follow my rules, slut." Velvette blushed at her more assertive choice of words, only increasing her already unbearably desperate lust for her. Carmilla picks her up (yes, by the wrists) and carries her over to her bed. She pins her down to the mattress, her jugs falling on top of Vette's face.

"Suck." With that one simple word, Velvette begins sucking on Carmilla's nipple. She switches from one side to the other, making sure to satisfy her dommy mommy's needs. Carmine's hand reaches down, her hand crawling under Vette's leggings, sliding them down and exposing her substantially damp crotch. Her middle finger slid through with clinical ease, as if it were covered in oil. Velvette moaned into Carmilla's breasts, and the woman giggled.

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