Chaggie 🍋

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-Chaggie angst if you squint
-Gentle sex
-Top Charlie because why not


One month.

It had been a month since Vaggie last saw Charlie, but to the fallen angel it had felt like a year.

A year of Hell.


Emily had started wanting to see Charlie ever since she had visited Heaven, and now it's like the princess is never around anymore.

Hell, even Husk is complaining about her absence.

"You'd think 'her majesty' would care enough to at least drop down and check on us once 'n a while," he grumbled.

"Well apparently, she's too busy wit' the angels ta care 'bout us," Angel Dust scoffed, drinking a bottle of wine.

"Come on guys, cut her some slack," Vaggie reasoned. "She's just trying to help us. She definitely cares, she just.. um.."

"If anything, it's obvious you miss 'er the most." Husk raised an eyebrow as he pointed a claw at the fallen angel.

"Yeah, but.. she'll be back soon. Just wait."

Husk and Angel exchanged a skeptical look, but said nothing more as they watched Vaggie trek up the stairs to her and Charlie's bedroom.

Once Vaggie got in she groaned, falling back onto their bed. She covered her face with her hands, letting out a small sigh.


She immediately sat up, eyes wide as she blinked repeatedly. Charlie stood in front of her, an eyebrow raised an a concerned look in her red eyes.

"Charlie? What're you doing home so soon-?"

"I missed you guys, and Emily didn't have much more need for me in Heaven, sooo.." a wide smile formed on the princess' face as she walked over, sitting down and giving her girlfriend a tight side hug.

Vaggie didn't reciprocate.

She just sat there, lowering her head as she frowned. "I have a question."

Charlie pulled back, tilting her head.

"Do you.." Vaggie sighed. "Do you.. still.. love me..?"

Charlie's eyes widened and she put her hands on the fallen angel's shoulders, making her look into her eyes.

"Why would you even question that? I do love you, Vaggie, and nothing will ever change that."

"What about Emily? Since you're so intent on being extra friendly to her.." Vaggie grumbled.

There was silence between the two. An uncomfortable silence. And Vaggie couldn't feel Charlie's presence on the bed anymore.

She looked beside her before looking around rapidly, concerned. "Charlie-?!"

She was then brought down by a sudden force, her wrists immobilized above her head. She struggled but she couldn't move.

"So, you think I'm in love with Emily now?" Charlie chuckled as she approached her, twirling her finger in the air.

As she did, the restraints around Vaggie's wrists got tighter.

She looked up at the princess, eyes wide. "Charlie, what-"

She was cut off as the princess got on top of her, pressing their lips together in a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss.

Vaggie immediately melted into it. The force on her wrists was removed and she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's neck, kissing her back passionately.

Charlie pulled back for a second, unbuttoning Vaggie's dress and slipping it off with ease.

The fallen angel gasped, feeling the cold air hit her dark skin. "Charlie, the door-"

"Already taken care of," the princess whispered, nibbling on her ear. Just relax, and let me take care of you.."

Vaggie shuddered, feeling the arousal of Charlie's tone pool straight between her legs.

Charlie pressed a gentle finger to her arousal, rubbing in small, circular motions.

Vaggie gasped and squeezed her eyes shut, cheeks burning red in embarrassment.

At the same time, her girlfriend went down to her bra, pulling it off with her teeth.

The fallen angel's nipples hardened and she squeaked, the cool air of the room hitting her sensitive area almost being already too much for her.

"So you're sensitive here, hm~?" Charlie spoke in a whisper as she blew on Vaggie's nipples, causing her to yell out.

"Charlie- oh, Satan-" Vaggie moaned as she felt her girlfriend begin to suck, throwing her head back. The sensation on both her pussy and breasts was too much.

"You're so beautiful, Vaggie.." Charlie licked a stripe up her neck, whispering in her ear.

"And I'm the only one who gets to see you like this."

Slowly, the princess removed Vaggie's underwear. Her heat was already throbbing and dripping wet.

"Excited, aren't you?"

"Charlie, please, fuck-"

Charlie raised an eyebrow, looking up at her girlfriend. "Uh-uh-uh. You know I don't allow cursing in my hotel.. you ought to be punished."

She pressed a finger into Vaggie, causing her to moan out. The feeling of ecstasy completely took over the fallen angel's mind as she rambled on and on about how much she loved Charlie.

"Cute. And I only put in one finger."

"Sh-shut up! We've never done t-this before.." Vaggie covered her face with both hands, embarrassed.

Sure, they had almost had sex before, but then Charlie decided they should cuddle instead.

Three fucking times.

But now she was the one initiating it.

Vaggie could already tell this would be a very long night.


Sorry if this was bad, I'm horrible at writing lesbian smut 😭

But I hope you enjoyed anyway, I should be releasing chapters more often soon-

Thanks for reading! ♤♡◇♧

Word Count: 886

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