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-Top Lucifer
-Shower sex


When Adam awoke again, he still felt horrible. He blinked slowly and felt the ice pack on his head. He wasn't sure what happened or how to respond, but the ice pack had gone warm. Groaning in annoyance, he tossed it across the room and rolled onto his other side, coming face to face with Lucifer who was snuggled with the stuffed animal in his bed.

Adam gasped but quickly silenced himself, his eyes wide. The first thing he did was check his pants to ensure nothing had happened while he was out and the second thing he did was quietly crawl out of bed. There were many things someone could do in this situation. The first is to call the police. The second is gently wake the other up and ask them what the fuck happened. And the third is to freak out and attack the other.

Adam chose the fourth option.

He stepped away to use the bathroom and gather his robes. He got himself ready for the day with a shower, took a picture of the sleeping Lucifer, and quietly walked back to the bed. He had decided not to wear his robes but to instead change his clothes to something similar but less sweaty. He checked his side of the bed and found it was still clean enough. He turned his back towards Lucifer and closed his eyes.

'This is my bed. My bedroom. My fucking temporary home. I will not let some stupid fucking snake scare me out of it.' He thought to himself, squeezing his eyes and just trying to sleep again.

When he awoke for the second time, Lucifer was up and his side of the bed was made, Adam realized he still felt horribly sick, and everything seemed wrong.

"I hate you," He said loud enough for the other to hear from the kitchen. "Why were you in my bed this morning?"

Lucifer heard the other's stern and annoyed voice and simply sighed, closing his eyes and shaking his head even though he couldn't see it. "You asked me to join you so I did. Don't worry, I kept my distance."

"Are you- uh- dumb? Like fucking stupid?" The arrogant first man got a little more comfortable in the sheets, "You think I'm not well enough to walk around yet you're just fine with believing I'm well enough to ask you to sleep with me."

"Well, no... We didn't have sex."

"Good. I hate you."

"I just took a short nap because you got delusional and started crying when I tried to leave. I'm glad to see you're a little more conscious now."

Adam grit his teeth, "There's no way I started crying. You're a liar, why would I believe a word you say? You probably just wanted to get close to me like the perverted twink you are."

There was silence from the kitchen for a moment before Adam heard footsteps and glanced up to find the other leaning against the doorframe. "You're right. You weren't crying, you were half asleep and mumbling for me to stay. I shouldn't lie."

"Just comes so naturally to you, huh."

"Yes, actually, it does. I wish it didn't, but years of lying to myself, my wife, and my daughter come with consequences."

"Good. And I hate you. And you suck. And how is this still cold?" Adam grabbed the little stuffed animal and held it up, genuinely curious.

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