06: Still Far From A Friend.

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Studying has never been a strong side of Minsi

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Studying has never been a strong side of Minsi. Every year, ever since she could remember, she always almost failed at least one subject. The fact that she got into college wasn't only a surprise for her but also her parents and friends and pretty much everyone who knew her. It wasn't something she was embarrassed about but she definitely wished she'd be better at learning. It would've made everything so much easier and she could've used the time spent with books on dance practices instead.

That's why when Seogyu heard Minsi angrily slamming the keyboard of her laptop, she immediately paused her favorite show.

"What the hell did this poor keyboard do to you?"

Minsi sighed, hiding her head in hands.

"I can't finish this, I just simply can't."

Seogyu sighed, sitting next to her best friend at the dining table. She snatched the laptop to herself, reading the paper Minsi was writing. The girl felt bad for her best friend getting one of the most terrifying and strict professors on the campus assigned for one of her classes. That's why she wanted to help the best she could.

"It's actually pretty good. You just don't know how to finish it?" Minsi nodded to the question. "Ok, I can see you glancing at your watch so just go to that dance practice and I'll help you once you get back."

Minsi threw herself at her best friend, annoyingly kissing her all over her face only for Seogyu to push her away.

"Ew, get away."

"Oh you love it. Bye, see you later!" Seogyu shook her head as her roommate best friend ran out of the house with a big workout bag hanging from her shoulder.

Dancing has always been the best escape for Minsi and she knew it always would be. She sang along to her favorite songs playing in her car as she drove excitedly to the campus where her dance team's practice was to take place.

Choice outfit this time were black and oversized cargo pants topped with a black Adidas crop top and traditionally black and white Nike sneakers. She put the hair tie around her wrist and made her way to the sports hall. To her surprise; or not so much at this point; the place was still occupied by the basketball team.

Everyone's eyes turned to the sound of the door opening and almost everyone waved to the girl who waved back with a soft smile on her face.

"For once she doesn't have that Skinner expression." Mark blurted, bouncing the basketball up and down.

Chenle chuckled, asking who the hell that even was.

"That chef from Ratatouille who was always grumpy as fuck and yelling."

The team's captain and Hyunmin burst out laughing at the comparison that they definitely wouldn't be able to get out of their heads for a while.

"Hey gorgeous," Hyunmin spread his arms as soon as Minsi walked over. "How are you doing?"

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