30: Decisions, decisions.

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The most honest smile was plastered on Minsi's face, Mark's hand holding hers while he drove her back home the next morning

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The most honest smile was plastered on Minsi's face, Mark's hand holding hers while he drove her back home the next morning. It was almost like the universe knew she felt the happiest in a very long time since the sun shone so bright and everything looked more colorful too.

Mark glanced at his girlfriend every now and then, mostly keeping his eyes on the road as he should, but the need to steal glares at Minsi was stronger than him. The way her lips were curled up in a soft smile while she looked outside the window, nodding her head to the music playing from Mark's playlist, made his heart flutter. She was so beautiful and she was his.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" he mumbled after placing a kiss onto Minsi's lips, their faces still as close together as possible. The girl only nodded, flashing her pearly whites before getting out of the car. Mark wouldn't let go of her hand until it was impossible for him to reach any further as she was already out on the street, him biting his bottom lip just staring at her.

After freeing herself from her boyfriend she waved before proceeding to get into the building. Cheerful chuckles escaped her lips that wanted to be kissed by Mark non stop.

Minsi couldn't wait to tell Seogyu everything, to gossip about her own sex life like best friends do, but as soon as she stepped foot into the apartment, her face dropped a little.

"Mom?" she blurted with tearful eyes.

"Hi, sweetie." the woman got off the couch, spreading her arms to hug her daughter. Minsi almost let emotions get the best of her but she knew how much her mom hated to see her cry. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she embraced the woman back.

"I'm gonna give you some privacy." Seogyu said quietly, moving away from the situation.

"You don't have to go, sweetie." Minsi's mom looked at the girl she treated almost like her own daughter too.

"It's ok, no worries. I asked our friend for a walk. Fresh air will do me good."

The three shared soft smiles and Seogyu eventually left. Minsi didn't know how to feel about her and Chenle meeting up after the girl didn't remember his confession, but her mom's visit was definitely more important to Minsi at that very moment.

"What brings you here, mom?" she finally asked, placing a warm cup of tea in front of the woman.

"I can't just visit my own daughter?" mrs. Hwang chuckled, making Minsi roll her eyes playfully. "I just missed you, that's all. You haven't been contacting me much recently."

"I'm sorry, I know. I've been pretty occupied with everything. Uni, dance—"

"And a boy?"

Minsi's eyes widened and her cheeks turned pink almost immediately.

"I'm gonna kill her."

"Seogyu didn't really tell me much. She didn't have to. You come back home in the morning, looking like a little; yet still pretty; mess, smiling from ear to ear." she wiggled her brows, not being the old fashioned type of a parent.

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