08: Not The Right Time.

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Losing herself in dancing was Minsi's favorite escape from problems

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Losing herself in dancing was Minsi's favorite escape from problems. Perfecting her moves in the small mirror in that stupid sports hall on the campus helped her turn off her brain, just like she wanted.

After the practice was over and everyone left, she stayed behind, taking advantage of the fact that the basketball team wasn't coming to practice that day. Just as Taeyong was about to leave too, he turned back around. Seeing Minsi dance her butt off even though her body obviously wasn't able to handle it anymore, he made his way back to the girl.

"Minsi, you should leave too. You're overdoing it."

"I'm fine."

Taeyong sighed knowing damn well that she wasn't going to listen. If she wasn't going to listen to Taeyong as her friend then she sure should to the mentor Lee Taeyong instead.

He turned off her music, making her sigh out of frustration. With a serious look on his face he walked over to the girl, placing both his hands on her arms.

"We have that showcase on Sunday. It's not a big one but we all need to be in good shape nevertheless. I know you well enough already to know that you're doing this because there's a lot going on in your life right now but I need you to get your ass back home. You're going to hurt yourself and we don't want that, do we?"

Minsi sighed and nodded knowing well that he was right.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." he patted her arm and left right away.

The girl tried to catch her breath as she slowly grabbed her phone and walked to the changing room. Feeling her legs weakening she decided to just grab her stuff and go home. After such sweaty session she desperately needed a shower anyways.

With her mind full of thoughts she didn't want to have, she checked her phone. More missed calls and a text message from him asking to please give him a chance to explain made her blood boil immediately.

"Hey," she heard a familiar voice.

Just if it wasn't enough as it was, she had to bump into Mark.

"What are you doing here? I thought you guys don't have a practice today."

"We don't, Hyunmin just wanted to shoot some hoops."

Minsi cracked a smile and nodded, making her way out when Mark's voice stopped her.

"Hyunmin knew you'd be here and wanted to talk to you. He needed to use the bathroom and asked me to ask you to wait for him."


"How should I know? And I don't really care. It's your business." he bounced the basketball up and down.

Minsi scoffed at his attitude which honestly shouldn't surprise her at all at that point and just when she was about to curse at him, they heard footsteps.

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