28: Don't You Love Looking At The Stars?

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Minsi's lips curled up at the single flower that suddenly appeared in front of her face

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Minsi's lips curled up at the single flower that suddenly appeared in front of her face.

"Good morning." she heard Mark's voice from behind her.

"What's this for?"

Mark shrugged seeing Minsi smell the tiny daisy with a wide smile on her face.

"There doesn't have to be a reason for a man to give his girl a flower."

Minsi's eyes caught his.

"Your girl?"

"Yeah," Mark chuckled, running fingers through his fluffy hair. "Am I wrong?"

She looked around, seeing more and more pairs of eyes turning their way, already gossiping. Without much care for the attention, Minsi shook her head in response, suddenly pulling Mark by his shirt. Her lips sank into his and they both melted into their world.

"You don't have practice today, right?"

"No, why?"

Mark pecked her lips once more.

"Don't make any other plans. I'm taking you out. I've got a surprise for you."

Minsi's wide eyes pierced through Mark's with curiosity.

"Really? Another surprise?"

He shrugged playfully, letting the girl wrap her arms around his neck so they could share another sweet kiss before going to their classes.

Minsi's mind was already on the date that the Canadian boy had prepared for her and she couldn't keep her smile from painting her face throughout the whole day. The only thing that worried her was Seogyu not wanting to go to uni as; in her words; she needed a break from reality.

When Minsi got back home Seogyu was watching Netflix on the couch, bundled up in a blanket with snacks all around her. She gave her best friend a quick smile and a wave while Minsi told her about the date with Mark — which was the most exciting news for Seogyu that day.

Minsi was nervous yet even more excited. She usually hated first dates because of how awkward they were, but with Mark she feared almost nothing. She already knew him well enough to know he'd make her feel the best way possible. She knew he'd give her the best first date ever.

"Is it too much?" she asked Seogyu with a frown, trailing her palms over the clothes already on her body.

Seogyu's mouth fell agape a little and she paused whatever show was playing on the TV.

"Girl, you look so fucking pretty! Mark is going to lose his mind!"

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't really know where we're going so I figured this would be a perfect middle ground, no?"

"Mi, you look hot as fuck!"

Minsi rolled her eyes playfully, actually enjoying the compliments. She glanced down at her skinny, high waisted jeans that hugged her booty perfectly. The simple black heels went along with the black vest that was on top of a plain white dress shirt. Her hair was tied by a hair clip and a small black purse made the outfit whole.

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