1. A Wish

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"The end

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"The end."

I typed onto to the screen feeling a part of my heart crushing at finally ending the book I had been living, dreaming, cherishing and writing about for the past five months.

The characters...
Their journey from enemies to lovers.

Them always being interconnected by fate.

"Hmm." I sighed once again rubbing my palm on my face trying to rub away the sleep clouding my senses. I hear a harsh banging on my room's closed door.

"Maa asked to come downstairs for breakfast!" My twin brother, Debashish yelled at me from outside the door.

"Ughhh!" I groan in irritation. I always lost track of time and that was definitely the reason of all the black circles that adorned my undereyes. I close my laptop and walk towards the door actually afraid that the asshole will break the door this time if I don't open the door.

I unlock the key from my side of the room and open it slowly and look at my twin brother who was clearly a foot taller than me and 15 minutes older than me and loved to rub the fact and command me to get him a glass of water and all that bullshit.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked crossing my arms in front of my chest and glaring at him.

"That's what I did." He rolled his eyes and messed up my already messed up hair which was pulled up in an ugly bun.

"What you did.. Was Bang the door. Also I haven't washed my hair in a week." I grin evilly at him and relish his face of utter disgust as he wipes his hand on my shoulder as if trying to get off the dirt from his hand.

"First... why would I bang bang a door." He smirked at me with a suggestive look as if trying to give me a hint on what he could bang. I look at him horrified. And he passes me a satisfied smile.

"Abhik bhai, Asheesh bhai! Debashish is annoying me again." I yell trying to muster up enough fake tears in my eyes. I see my two older brothers rushing out of their rooms along with my bhabhi's who looked equally terrified at my untimely shriek.

The smirk on Debashish's face is completely wiped off as he scowls and me and then looks at my other two brothers glaring at him.

"How many times have I told you not annoy our baby?" Abhik bhai pulls his ear and Asheesh bhai comes and looks at my cheeks trying to find any pinch marks.

"She is a lying fuck! I did nothing!" Debashish pulls away his ear from Abhik bhai and hides behind Aanshi bhabhi.

"Why are you hiding behind my wife?" Abhik bhai asks trying not to smile after looking at bhabhi who was glared at him and slowly patted Debashish's head.

"Because you are scared of your wife! And I was always on team bhabhi! Go... Go support your lying little sister!" He pouted and then walked away with bhabhi for breakfast while turning back and sticking his tongue out to Abhik bhai.

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