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"Teaching my little seductress her first lesson to seduce me

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"Teaching my little seductress her first lesson to seduce me."
"You seduced me. My dearest fiancé. That's what happened. Hope to meet you soon."
"To put it bluntly. You, Debasmita Mukherjee have peaked my interest to the point of no return."
"You, Debasmita Mukherjee have peaked my interest to the point of no return."

I sat just where he had left me. Frozen for what felt like more than an eternity. Memories of his powerful stare, his devilish smirk, his touch on my skin and...

His voice...
Which uncurled every knot in the pit of my stomach. And unlocked my wildest desires...

His voice when he had laughed at me.
That deep, low, husky voice filled in a timber and laced with attractiveness. The way he said my name as he walked away from me.

How could a man who is so perfect ever exist in real life?
His touch felt like a paradise of fire.

It had made me shiver and tremble at the slightest brush of the tips of his fingers against my back. It was enchanting and so very possessing.

It was something that was
Demanding yet subtle.
Strong yet gentle.
Rough yet Euphoric.

The way he had looked into my eyes just for a moment before wrapping his strong arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. To his lap. His fingers working up the strings on my back.

Undoing them...

His voice as he spoke to me then.

I had felt my heart racing...

When his fingers had tightened their hold on the ends of the strings and then pulled them. I had felt the fabric of my anarkali loosening against my breasts. The fabric brushing my hypersensitive nipples that had turned as hard as pebbles under the scrutiny of his gaze and a wetness glistening my core.

And all I could do was let the shameless low moan leave my lips and arch my body closer to his strong and well-built body.

In the heat of the moment and the unknown sort of frustration that had clouded my better senses I had pressed my lips against his. Wanting more of his attention.

Because it felt so fucking good to be looked at like you were the best thing they have ever seen in this whole world.

The admiration in them.
The respect in them.
The hints of adoration in them.

I had seen a sort of silent prayer towards me in his eyes.

A kind that... Was something I had dreamed about from the man of my dreams.

And Anurag Roy... the farthest thing from a dream. He was very real. So very real.

So very perfect.

You were never meant to make me see that in your eyes, Mr. Roy.

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