2. A Marriage Proposal

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"Ruhan... What is my schedule for the day?" I ask clearly having by far the worst day of my twenty seven year long life. I had not slept the previous night correcting the new contract to our terms and making it more profitable for us yet more appealing to my partner.

Well that is business.

I had downed four cups of black coffee and two glasses of warm water trying to push away the sleep and finish the work fast so that I could get the deal signed by today afternoon and then move on to analyse the quarter year reports given by the finance department. That had already been verified by Ruhan.

"Nothing sir... After you sign the deal. You have to catch a flight to Kolkata." He said and I turn my chair towards him finally breaking eye contact with the draft of the papers.

"Why?" I asked practically glaring at him.

He shuddered under the intensity of my gaze and then his trembling hands slid a piece of  paper to me. Showing me, my cleared schedule.

I rub my throbbing temple.

"Why have you cleared it? Have I asked you to do so?" I asked his in a calm tone even though calmness was the last feeling on earth that I was feeling right now.

"Sir... Actually. Your.. Your."

"My what?" I asked and leaned back on my chair.

"I asked him to clear up your schedule Anurag." I sigh closing my eyes calming down my raging nerves as I hear my stepmother speaking to me. She wasn't like the typical back stabbing bitchy step mothers. She was like Yashoda.

After my mother died giving birth to me. My father's family forced him to remarry. After a lot of denial he finally agreed to the wedding.

My Aaheli maa is the only mother I have known since I could understand life. She is the one who took care of me. She is the one who made me who I am today.

She loved me like her own child and even gave the feeling of every going through pregnancy for me.

She was like an angel to me. An angel my mom sent for me. To take care of me after she left. And I would never say no to her.

"Maa..." I sighed trying to push back my tiredness and smiled softly at her.

"Why did you stay all night long again working in your office?" She asked walking towards me and taking a seat on the chair in front of my desk.

"I had work maa." I said trying to convince her.

"I haven't seen your face in three days baccha." She said with a pained look on her face.

"I'm sorry maa." I apologised genuinely.

"You can't keep eating this food. You don't come home. You don't sleep. Only work, work and work. And 2 litres of black coffee." She glared at the cups of black coffee lines on the table.

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