9. Problem

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Being pinned against a wall of a women's trail room stall was the last thing I had on my mind

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Being pinned against a wall of a women's trail room stall was the last thing I had on my mind. I was painfully aware of the fact that only a curtain was separating me and Anurag from the crowd of angry women who were probably waiting to use it for what it is meant for.

Fictional men in my novels did such things. And this guy was making my heart flutter so hard that I couldn't control my thoughts.

But in this moment, I didn't even care about anything else.

All I cared about the intense and strong grip on my waist as Anurag stared straight into my soul. His eyes piercing and filled with so much passion.

This man was...

Not a Greek God.
Not a Devil.

He was the devil of all my wildest dreams.

And the man who fit all my sex appeals that I didn't even know existed.

He looked like a fucking Sex God.

His masculine smell refreshing and so surreal that all I wanted was to be engulfed in his scent and smell like him all the time if I could.

It was a blend of earthy musk and cedarwood with hints of fresh citrus and spice. It was clean and intoxicating. Yet there was also a sense of rugged sophistication.

"Anu?" I whispered.

My lips moved against his finger. My lips glistened and I almost darted my tongue out and licked his finger. But I decide against it almost immediately. I keep looking at him.

Anyone could pay me their whole fortune worth billions and I would still choose looking up at this man and stay in his arms. His touch ghosting my body.

From this angle I could see his chiselled jawline which complemented his piercing dark brown eyes that almost turned obsidian. His dark lashes and touch which commanded attention and control.

His whole being was so consuming that I feel myself getting drawn into his very being.

His broad shoulders... that I clutched onto so hard that I could feel the lean muscles and hints of strength in them. Unlike what I had imagined from a man who probably sat in the office working all day and night.

He was so well built.


He is so fucking hot.

Ok now I am being repetitive with my thoughts.

I don't know what I wanted to do.

I wanted to undeniably kiss his lips. That were looking so tempting. It's my hormones? Or is this normal?


"Don't call me that right now please." he begged almost desperately. Leaning his forehead on the wall he had pinned me against.

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