13. Love you (M)

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It had been nearly three months since my wedding had been arranged with arguably the most eligible bachelor in the business world

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It had been nearly three months since my wedding had been arranged with arguably the most eligible bachelor in the business world. The sensational, merciless, and business-minded man, Anurag Roy.

The man with the face of an angel and a mind and wit that rivaled the devil king.


To me, he was nothing but the man of my dreams. His playful side, his maturity, and most of all his personality. Everything about him was beyond perfect.

From the moment our families arranged our union, I had heard whispers of his prowess in the business world—tales of his ruthless negotiations and unmatched intelligence.

But beyond the public persona, I discovered a man who was tender and deeply thoughtful. A man who, despite his stoic exterior, harbored a heart that beat with a love so profound it left me breathless.

Anurag was not one for grandiose declarations of love. He confessed that words often failed him, that he stumbled over them like stones in a path. Yet, he more than made up for this with his actions and the letters he penned.

Each letter was a masterpiece, filled with a depth of emotion and beauty that rivaled the most romantic novels I had ever read.

The words he wrote to me were enchanting, imbued with a sincerity and passion that made my heart soar. Maybe it was because they were real. Anurag Roy was real and so affluent in stealing both my heart and breath away.

Every note, every carefully chosen word, was a testament to his feelings. He wrote of his dreams, his fears, and his hopes for our future together. In those letters, I found the essence of the man who was soon to become my husband. A man who valued actions over words, yet whose written words had the power to sweep me off my feet.

Anurag's letters were filled with poetic musings and heartfelt promises. He described the mundane moments he longed to share with me—morning coffees, evening walks, the quiet companionship of simply being together. He spoke of the future he envisioned for us, a future filled with laughter, adventure, and unwavering support.

One letter stood out among the rest. It was a reply to me asking him about how he envisioned our honeymoon. And I had hoped for some obscenity.

Stupid me, is a sucker for eroticas.
Oh what is a woman to do? When she has such a devilishly handsome fiance.

No one can blame me for being a little shameless. 

But instead of obscenity...

In it, Anurag had written about a dream he had. A dream where we were standing by the sea, the waves crashing gently at our feet, the setting sun casting a golden hue over everything. He described how we stood hand in hand, our hearts beating in unison, our eyes locked in a silent conversation that spoke of a blooming love and unbreakable bonds.

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