6. Her Dream Ring

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"Yes, I would like to marry you."

She said softly smiling with me her eyes uncertain yet so very beautiful. I heard our parents gushing around us and also her brother's wives squealing. She sat there realizing the what she had just agreed to.

Her eyes lowered to her fingers which she kept fiddling with and a soft pink dusted the tips of her ears and lips pursed.

Her gaze flickering between me and her parents happy smiles.
And then I caught a glimpse of the grim look on her three brother's faces. They looked extremely uncomfortable and annoyed in different ways.

Abhik looked at me with an accessing look. Asheesh just stood there trying to realise what was the reason to his little sister agreeing to this wedding.

But, Debashish glared at me like I had robbed the most precious thing in his life and his eyes softened only when he saw his sister looking at him.

"Let's get the engagement done right away!" Maa squealed and Baba looked at her with a look that asked her to control her emotions. She calmed down with just a slight look, but also a sort of disappointment reflected on her face.

"I was thinking the same, Aanshi." Naisha kaki said. Trying to cut the air which was filled with ice.

"So fast?!" Debashish snapped and glared at his parents.

"Why delay something so good?" Asheesh's wife asked him. Her teasing smile made his serious expression turn child like and innocent within a second.

But what really made me feel amused was his peaks of darkness and unhinged behaviour.

They were subtle and well masked under the act of childishness and play.

"We don't have rings!" He said suddenly out of the blue.

"How can we have an engagement without rings?"

A prideful smile filled his features at his quick witted thinking.

"We actually do..." Abhik's wife spoke this time walking into the room with a plate in her hand with a box in the center of the a rose bedded surface.

"That is only Anurag jiju's ring... What about my sister's ring?" He asked with while squinting his eyes at everyone.

Before anyone could procure a ring out of thin air for his sister he dramatically raises his hands in the air as if to halt everyone's speech and actions.

"Now before you all say that you have that covered too. I have certain requirements to ask out of the ring. Cause it needs to be the ring of my delusional baby sister's dreams!"

He says while twirilng himself and then raising his hand. To show the piece of torn paper that he had pulled out of his pocket.

"Ahm ahm." He cleared his throat.

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