22. Atharva Roy

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What I enjoyed most with my husband would always have to be our dinner dates

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What I enjoyed most with my husband would always have to be our dinner dates.

I loved food.
I loved my husband even more.
Them together?!
No better combination in my dictionary of words.

Our dinners were a soft hum of conversations, punctuated by laughter and the occasional playful teasing, created a world of our own. A paradise just for us and away from the cruel reality of the outside world.

Anu knew how to make even the simplest meals feel special. He'd light candles, play our favorite songs, and insist on using the good dishes, turning our kitchen into a cozy, romantic haven.
We had one at least twice a week. It was mandatory. Despite Anu's hectic schedule, he always made time for these moments.

But, he'd get all hysteric every time I entered the kitchen, worried I might overexert myself. Only when I would scold him for being overly protective, would he quietly accompany me, helping out with most of the cooking.

I found it rather refreshing to have him there, his presence was filled with warmth and love. A feeling of being cherished and loved. His smell... that addictive soft yet all too masculine musk made me sigh and content and our dear baby to rotate like it was some kind of football.

Anyways. Back to the point right now we were having one of our date nights and my dear Mother in law had joined us. She wanted to be there when her first grandchild was born. And as much as I appreciated her help and guidance. I did find myself sulking upon the fact that I couldn't kiss my husband whenever I pleased.

Or sit on his lap. He did say I was not heavy at all. And good for him. Cause I am all round and chubby and waddling around because of him. So, it's good he knows his responsibilities.

I am snapped out of my reverie when I hear maa voice penetrate my intrusive thoughts.

"The Pasta is delicious, Deba"

"You've truly outdone yourself," Anurag added with a sly smirk as I kicked his feet from under the table.

"Thank you, Ma," I replied, smiling warmly.
"But I had a lot of help from Anu," I said, smiling sweetly at my dear husband.

Anurag winked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm just the sous-chef, remember?"

"Oh, you're much more than that," I teased, leaning over to nudge him with my elbow. "You're my sanity saver, especially with this little one kicking around."

My mother-in-law chuckled.
"You two are adorable. I hope your baby inherits this love for food and family."

"We can only hope," I said, feeling another flutter from the baby.
"I think our little one agrees."

"I'm sure our baby will, Maa. After all, he or she has the most loving and beautiful mother, who also happens to be a food addict..." Anurag said with a playful grin.

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