7. A Date

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It's been nearly a week since I had seen Anurag Roy

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It's been nearly a week since I had seen Anurag Roy.
Since I had spoken a single word to him.
Since I had known him.
Since I got entwined with him.

He became one of the most important people in my life in a matter of a second. With a single 'yes'. We both had changed our destiny. We had made a deal with destiny. The deal of being together for the rest of our lives and loving each other no matter what.

And that is what was the concern.
I felt that forever was too long.

I honestly didn't know what to think or make out of the changes in my life except that I was willing to welcome them with open arms and a smile.

Every night since I had met him that day I keep dreaming about the moment he placed his tailored tuxedo over my shoulders just because I was shivering in my dress. The brush of his exquisite lips against my knuckles and that look in his eyes as he wished me, 'Goodnight Love.'

He had wished me goodnight. However my nights were being anything but good. And it was all because of him continuously invading them. Whenever I wrote also all I could think of was him.

My curiosity peaked to know everything about him. I ran a quick google search on him and google threw me more than a thousand results. And all I could do was go to images and look at how good he looked with that charming devilish smile on his attractive face.

Multiple pictures of him attending golf meets with many other business men were also all over the net and I couldn't help but lick my dry lips as I saw him in a white tshirt, beige coloured chinos and a pair of Rayban sunglasses. Him leaning casually on his golf stick and talking to someone with a serious expression on his face.

How could he look so effortlessly hot and photogenic in a picture he wasn't even posing for?

I look at my reflection in the mirror and see my disheveled hair and loose shirt drooping over my defined shoulders and my silk shorts. My face soft under the moon light that slivered through the small slit of the slightly open balcony window. I looked pretty. And I always have.

But, in his presence I seem to forget my own beauty and feel only his presence. His sensual and extremely powerful aura. The potent and dangerous kind of attractiveness. That held both light and dark. Everything white and black. It was like a pendulum. Swaying between the opposite poles and dualities. And humans can usually be either one of the two.

Yet he showcased both.

All week the words he spoke as he left kept ringing in my ears.

"You are different. So, perfect... that you are the only one I have ever said this to."

"And I intend to learn everything about this surreally different woman. Till my last days."

I was filled with the need and curiosity to know whether he had ever dated before me. How could such and attractive man ever be single for this long. He definitely loved at least one girl till today.

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