15. Honeymoon / Seduction

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I never imagined that my innocent comment about the suhagraat would have such profound consequences

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I never imagined that my innocent comment about the suhagraat would have such profound consequences.

The mere mention of it to my mother-in-law had set off a chain of events that led to Anurag taking a leave from work and whisking me off on a honeymoon.

Despite my attempts to downplay my intrusive thoughts, the damage was done, and I knew I would never live it down as long as I was alive. With a heavy heart filled with shame, I tried to conceal my reactions from my mother-in-law, but I couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment that lingered within me.

Anurag's easy agreement to the honeymoon only added to my internal turmoil. His swift response caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but wonder if he had seen through my attempts to hide my true feelings.

His eyes held mine in a long, smug contact, as if he could see right through my facade of innocence and calm. I squirmed under his gaze, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as memories of last night flooded my mind.

I felt my face burn at the memories of his lips on my skin. His hands expertly gliding over my curves. Worshiping each and every inch of me just like he had promised.

Despite my attempts to maintain composure, I swallowed deeply, my throat suddenly feeling parched as I struggled to find the right words.

As I allowed my gaze to trail down the handsome contours of my husband's face, his features etched with a knowing smirk, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking as he looked at me with that knowing glint in his eyes.

Yet, again I seemed to be drawn to my husband's raw beauty, sensuality and masculinity.

Anurag's face was a sculpted masterpiece, with sharp angles and defined lines that exuded masculinity and allure.

His dark eyes, deep and mesmerizing, held a mysterious depth that drew you in, while his thick lashes brushed against his skin with every blink, adding an element of sensuality.

His nose, straight and proud, accentuated his rugged charm, while his lips, full and inviting, curved into a subtle smile that hinted at hidden desires.

Oh How I wanted to kiss him right here right now regardless of my impending shame-

Debasmita Roy... Control.

A hint of stubble graced his jawline, adding a rough edge to his otherwise smooth complexion, and as he brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead, I couldn't help but notice the way the sunlight caught the faint stubble, casting a warm glow across his features.

Every movement he made seemed deliberate and calculated, his presence commanding attention and igniting a fire within me that I couldn't ignore.

And as I allowed my gaze to linger on his handsome face, I felt a rush of desire wash over me, longing to trace every contour and angle with my fingertips.

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