19. His Truth (M)

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I fucked up

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I fucked up.

I had realised that the Mukherjee's were going bankrupt on the day of the wedding but chose to remain silent due to Abhir's wishes.

But I stood there, watching Debasmita storm out of our home, her anger palpable in every step she took.

Her words echoed in my mind, each one a searing reminder of my failure. How could I have kept such important information from her? How could I have let her family suffer without even a word of warning?

As she disappeared into the waiting car, my heart clenched with a mix of guilt and regret. I knew I had messed up, that I had hurt her deeply. But in that moment, I felt powerless to fix the damage I had caused.

I sank onto the nearest chair, my head in my hands, trying to make sense of the mess that had unfolded. I never wanted to hurt Debasmita. I loved her more than anything in this world. But somehow, in trying to protect her, I had only pushed her away.

The weight of my mistakes pressed down on me like a ton of bricks, suffocating me with its magnitude.

I had always prided myself on being a good partner, on being there for Debasmita when she needed me most. But now, I had failed her when she needed me the most.

The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. I had let my fears and insecurities cloud my judgment, had let them drive a wedge between us. And now, I was paying the price for my cowardice. The stories I needed and wanted to forget came back driving me to the brink of insanity.

Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I thought about Debasmita, about the pain I had caused her.

I wanted nothing more than to go after, to make things right. But I knew that wouldn't be enough. I had broken her trust of sorts, and that was something that couldn't be easily repaired.

I sat there for what felt like an eternity, lost in my thoughts, grappling with the mess I had made of things. And as the minutes turned into hours, I knew that I had to do something, anything, to try and fix what I had broken.

But first, I had to face the truth.

I had fucked up, and now I had to own it. Only then could I begin to make amends, to prove to Debasmita that I was truly sorry, and that I would do whatever it took to earn back her trust.

After considering my options for about thirty minutes, I gathered what little resolve I had left and pushed myself up from the chair. With each step, the weight of my mistakes seemed to grow heavier, but I knew I couldn't let that stop me. I had to find Debasmita, to try and make things right, no matter how impossible it seemed at this moment.

Leaving the mansion behind, I made my way to where Mohan was waiting, a silent witness to the turmoil that had unfolded within those walls. Without a word, I approached him, and he met my gaze with a knowing look.

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