23. Little Menace

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Anurag's pov.

The first night home after two days of rest felt like a blur of exhaustion and excitement.

The hospital had been surprisingly relaxing in its own way. Even when Debasmita was asleep, the nurses were always there to help, either by feeding Atharva or giving me tips on how to soothe him.

I spent countless hours carrying him around the room, his tiny eyes quietly observing me, taking in every detail. He didn't cry much, but he was certainly an attention seeker.

The moment we placed him in the cradle, his face would wrinkle, his legs would scrunch up, and he would get ready to showcase his lung capacity.

Which, I soon discovered, was formidable. But I didn't appreciate my son crying—it tugged at my heart in ways I hadn't expected, compelling me to find every possible way to comfort him.

Now that we were back home, just the two of us with Maa, the odds seemed suddenly very high. We had grossly underestimated Atharva Roy and his hellion tendencies.

His cries were louder than ever before especially when he was neglected for a single second, his demands more insistent, and the comfort of having nurses around was sorely missed.

Debasmita, still recovering from childbirth. But then again my woman is stubborn as can be. Despite her fatigue, she insisted on staying up to nurse Atharva, and I found myself marveling at her strength and determination.

She was so breathtakingly strong and heartwrenchingly gorgeous that I fell in love with her every single moment of every single day we spent together.

She sat up in bed, cradling him with a serene expression that belied her exhaustion.

"Love, you should rest," I urged, concern etched on my face as I handed her a glass of water.

Debasmita shook her head, her eyes softening as she gazed down at our son.

"I can't help it, Anu. He's just so tiny and perfect. I don't want to miss a single moment."

I chuckled, feeling a swell of love for her.
"He is, isn't he? Just like his mother."

She rolled her eyes playfully, a tired smile tugging at her lips. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Roy. Now, hand me the burp cloth."

I grabbed the cloth and handed it to her, watching as she expertly burped Atharva.

Despite her exhaustion, there was a glow about her—a serene, maternal beauty that took my breath away. As she finished, I leaned in, unable to resist planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You amaze me every day, Debasmita," I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity. "You're incredible."

Her eyes met mine, a mixture of love and amusement in them.

"Oh, Anu. You're pretty amazing yourself, you know."

I smiled and moved closer, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her and Atharva into a warm embrace.

The room was quiet, save for the soft breathing of our newborn, and it felt like we were the only three people in the world. The love and contentment in that moment was too satisfying.

Our eyes met again, and this time, there was our usual neediness and desperation for each other—a spark that never seemed to fade, even amidst the chaos that Atharva had created throughout the day. The air between us was charged, filled with a longing that demanded to be acknowledged.

I leaned in slowly, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both tender and fervent, trying to convey everything I felt in that single moment. Her lips were soft and inviting, melting into mine as I deepened the kiss, my hand gently cradling the back of her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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