17. My Muse (M)

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(Two Weeks Later)

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(Two Weeks Later)

Returning home after our honeymoon felt like stepping back into reality after an enchanting dream.

The Roy estate felt awfully huge and more often than not lonely in the wake of the afternoon. The only presence in the house being mostly me and the workers since Anurag's parents had shifted into another estate immediately after the marriage as they wanted to give us privacy.

So, I was all alone in this 43 room sprawling estate, with its grandiose architecture and manicured gardens, and the precise and expert hands of the workers, chefs and keen eyes of the security.

It was a stark contrast to the intimate, secluded world Anurag and I had created during our time away.

I felt so restless initially...

But instead of feeling overwhelmed by my solitude, I tried to find inspiration—ready to embrace my life here with newfound energy and purpose.

For the first few days after our return, Anurag and I settled into a comfortable routine.

We spent our mornings lingering over coffee and breakfast in the sunlit dining room, exchanging soft kisses and stolen glances. Even though Anurag had returned to the demands of his role as CEO, he made sure to carve out moments for us, maintaining the closeness we had forged during our honeymoon. The mornings were our sanctuary, a peaceful reprieve from the world outside, where we could simply be with each other.

Today morning stood out vividly in my memory, a memory that still sends shivers down my spine.

Anurag had risen early, as was his habit. He woke up early no matter when he slept, and I really wondered what kind of stamina the man had.

It was then that I discovered the secret to his defined and breathtaking physique: my husband liked to work out before the day began.

I woke up alone in our bed, his side already cold. I pulled the sheet up to my chest as I sat up, looking at my disheveled state in the mirror. My hair was tousled, and marks covered my skin, trailing all the way from my neck to my collarbone and down to my breasts.

Anurag didn't lie when he said he would never hold back once he crossed the line.

The memory of his hands and mouth on my body made me shiver with a mix of pleasure and anticipation. I decided to join him, feeling a thrill of excitement at the thought of surprising him.

Pulling on one of his white shirts, the fabric soft and comforting against my skin, I made my way through the quiet mansion. The shirt fell to mid-thigh, the sleeves long and slightly oversized, wrapping me in his familiar scent.

A mix of fresh cedarwood, a hint of spice, and the subtle musk that was distinctly his. It was a smell that made me crave his presence and feel his touch, a scent that stirred a longing deep within me, igniting a desire I could never resist.

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