𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹: 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚝

17 1 0


In your cold, dim prison cell, you stare up at the ceiling. Your mind replays all of the events that have led you to this point, all of the memories, all of the decisions. There's no going back, no undoing any of it, no changing what happened. You can't change other people, after all.

You hardly notice the echoing of distant footsteps growing closer and closer, but you definitely recognize the feeling of someone hovering over you. You let out a sigh and turn your head toward the entrance to the room.

A chilling voice breaks the silence and when you turn your head, you see the man whom your father had spent years trying to track down. Chizome Akaguro, the infamous Stain, is standing in your cell.

Hatred gleams in his eyes as he recognizes you. Your father, the one who put him in this hell hole. As you sit up, you brace yourself for the worst. This man is known for murdering countless people from other factions- those who have quirks.

All you can do is face him head-on. If you avoid him or run, it will only anger him further and you will die.

"You're his daughter," he finally says, breaking the silence that had begun to weigh heavily on you. He takes a step toward you.

"I am," you nod, watching as he draws a shiv made from a sharpened toothbrush.

"Your father has sent countless men here, letting them rot to death, believing they have no purpose in life. Quells. He betrays his own kind and it's pathetic," he spits.

"My father was a hero," you spit out.

"He is the one who deserves to rot," he replies, his voice low and menacing. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"Go on," you sigh. "All killing me would do is send me right back to him. You can't win."

Just then, Stain's eyes widen. It isn't because he's concerned about you or your father, though. Instead, his eyes catch a glimmer - the quell rights activist pin you'd attached to your prison uniform. A moment of hesitation causes him to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. "Why are you in here?"

"I was framed," you scoff. "My father found out some shit about the Prime Minister doing experiments on people in the eighth so they decided to get rid of him and blame me for the whole thing."

Stain's grip on the toothbrush relaxes and he circles you with predatory eyes. You don't move a muscle as he sizes you up, searching for some hint that you're lying. He then turns away and heads toward the door. "Your father is a coward," he finally decides, "and so is the Prime Minister. Follow me."

Cautiously, you do as he asks you and follow him out of the cell. He then leads you through the maze-like corridors and finally comes to a stop at his own cell.

"Come in," he hums, ushering you inside. "I want you to meet someone."

When you step inside, you see another man slumped in a corner. "The Prime Minister isn't just running experiments in the eighth. He's doing it here, in this prison. My roommate here has an ability called symbiotic decay. Just look at him, you can tell the experiments are taking a toll on him."

The man, who seems to be barely clinging to life, doesn't even acknowledge the two of you standing before him. His eyes are dull and empty, his skin dry and falling off as you watch him.

"The quirk activates when the user is under extreme fear or stress. That's when the symbiote produces a decaying-inducing substance that affects the user's surroundings," he says as he gets too close to the man for your own comfort. "When he's afraid or stressed, the world around him begins to decay. The physical deformity you see happens over time from him using the quirk too much. His body just isn't used to it. It's a vicious cycle."

You shake your head, backing up until you hit the sink behind you. "I was framed and put in here because the Prime Minister is doing that to people?" you gulp. "I- I've got to get out of here."

"No," he corrects you as he spins around, places both hands on either of your shoulders and bends down to your eye level with his nose nearly touching your own. "You were put here because Chisaki thinks you are a threat. You've been an activist for quells even before you knew this information. It's a good thing you're here, though. We might just be able to work something out."



"Alright," the woman across from you hums as she flips through your file. "I'll be your new counselor since Shiozaki, well, was no longer up to this position. What's your name again?"

"Sakamoto," you answer. "FE-40536"

"Ah, okay, you're the one I've been waiting for then," she smiles, tilting back her cap as she speaks.

"I feel like a local celebrity," you answer, returning the gesture.

"Mmm, you should. I've got a plea deal for you here, Miss Sakamoto.

"Oh, yeah?" you hum, "What's the deal?"

"In exchange for your freedom after serving one year in prison, you will take over your father's former position as surveillance officer. I will, however, monitor your movements for the next six years," she explains.

"Okay... and where's the catch," you nearly roll your eyes right in her face.

"Y/N, this is a good deal. I need someone I can trust on the inside," she insists.

"Yeah, right, and you'll trust me? That's laughable."

"Listen," she sighs, rubbing her temples, "this is the best I can do for you. I'll allow you to maintain your roll as a dedicated quell rights activist as long as you-"

"Wait, wait, wait," you shake your head as you lean closer to her. "So you want me to be a cop, someone working for the government who sniffs out people like me... 'Dedicated quell rights activists' as you so delicately put it... while still being one? How the hell does that make any sense."

"Because," she shrugs, as if it was completely obvious. "You'd be working for us. You'd betray that silly cause."

"Oh my god," you groan, finally giving in to the urge to roll your eyes. "Is that all, Miss..."

"Utsushimi," she answers, a smug grin on her face.

"Right, okay, Ms. Utsushimi. Well, when you have an actual offer that sounds somewhat reasonable, maybe I'll consider it but until then please kindly fuck off."

With that, you turn on your heels, raising your middle finger high in the air at her as you walk out of the room.

"God, that girl is impossible," you hear Utsushimi mutter just before slamming the door on your way out.

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