𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻: 𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎

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"You must be joking," Chizome laughs as you lean against the door of his cell with your arms crossed as you look at him.

"No," you narrow your eyes. "Why would I be joking about that? Look, this counselor's obviously new. She doesn't understand that I'm not going to fall for her bullshit."

"Y/N, listen to me," Chizome replies, his eyes burning into yours. "There is no getting out of this place. Not for any of us, no matter what they tell you. But if you can make 'em think you'll play along, they'll take you out of here."

"So what?" you furrow your brows. "How is that going to help me? I'll still be stuck on parole or whatever-"

"Aw, come on you know that's a load of shit," he rolls his eyes as he grabs his empty paper cup and pushes past you down the hallway. "Did you not just hear what I said?"

"You're starting to lose me," you answer as you try to catch up.

"Look," he stops, turning around to face you. "There's nothing either of us can do from in here. If you have the chance to get out and set yourself up so they feel secure enough to believe you're on their side, then that's what you should do. I don't care if it's some kind of undercover shit or whatever, it's worth a shot."

You think about what he's saying, chewing on your bottom lip as you do. Again, he starts walking and you do your best to keep up. He always moves so fast, as if he actually has somewhere he needs to be.

"So, if you were me," you finally reply, "you'd take the offer?"

"If it was given, yes. And then I'd play them. Play along. Do what you have to, but stay alive. You hear me, kid? I know I'm in here for life without a chance like yours but you," he nods, nudging you in the arm, "you can do something."

"What would I even do?" you whisper as you enter the cafeteria, your voices lost in the cacophony of chatter.

"You want to know what I'd do?" he smiles as he sits down.

"I'm listening," you answer.

"I'd make them think you're a good girl, that you've had a change of heart. They'll think they have your loyalty, then when they're not looking, you'll disappear. Go on the run and take that stupid so-called Prime Minister down."

"What? By myself? If I did that, I'd just end right up in here," you groan.

"Oh, come on, you know I wouldn't leave you hangin' like that, kid. I know a group of guys hiding in the fourth that'll help," he nods, looking at the guard nearby.

"You mean the fourth faction? How-"

"Just trust me, Y/N. It'll work," he whispers.

"But, Chizome," you sigh, "this is insane. How would I even find them? I don't know how to find anyone-"

"I'll tell you the address. Right now."

"But," you gulp, turning to see the guard standing right behind you. "They'll hear."

"Nah, that one's mine. He won't say a word," Chizome hums as the guard chuckles, looking away from the two of you.

"Chizome," you groan, feeling the urge to punch the man beside you in the face.

"Alright, alright," he chuckles. "I'll write it down instead. Memorize it, then swallow."

Honestly, at this point, his words don't phase you. Carefully, you watch as he writes the address down on the corner of a napkin, then quickly folds it into a small square.

"Swallow," he commands, holding the note out to you.

You roll your eyes but take the paper and walk off back to your cell to do ask he's asked.



You stare up at your ceiling with a blank expression. There are a lot of things you'd rather be doing right now, but unfortunately, all of them are impossible. You let out a long sigh, wishing you could sleep. But your mind refuses.

Around noon, there's a knock on the door and you go to answer it. You figured that since Kendo's working in the shop, the middle of the day would be the best time for Camie to stop by. That way, Kendo wouldn't accidentally overhear anything and be put into the same situation you're in.

"Ready to talk?" she greets you as you open the door.

"Don't think I really have a choice," you reply as you step to the side and let her in.

"Yeah, guess not," she chuckles to herself.

After she takes off her shoes, you walk her to the small sitting area. You then sit quietly as she pulls out your file and has you sign a bunch of legal papers, basically signing over your soul to the Prime Minister.

"Alright," Camie nods as she closes the file, "Starting next week, you will be able to start your father's old job. You will be required to survey and monitor activist groups in the eighth on behalf of the Prime Minister. You will continue to stay in their ranks, but report back to us on a weekly basis."

"Got it," you mutter, knowing damn well you'll be doing no such thing.

"Any questions?"

"Not right now," you reply.

"Good," she grins sweetly. "But remember, if you get out of line, this home will be the next to go up in flames and you will be joining your little boyfriend in jail for life. Now, sign this one last paper."

Your eyes widen as she hands the pen to you. She's not fucking around, you realize. You're about to sign the final deal and you'll either spend the rest of your life in prison like Chizome or get killed by the Prime Minister.

Chewing on the inside of your cheek and repeating the location of the hideout of the activists from the fourth in your head, you pick up the pen one more time. Nervously, you sign your name. It's official now, this is when everything begins.

As you hand the pen and paper back to Camie, you finally realize what she had said previously about setting Kendo's home aflame. So before you can do anything, you're going to have to relocate her first. And that will mean explaining to her just what's going on.

"Well, that's all for today, Y/N," she smiles as she stands to her feet.

"But don't you have to like drug test me or something? I don't know, ask me about how I've been doing since I got out?" you sigh. "This seems a little quick."

"We'll get there," she answers, "but we're a little busy and we have our hands full at the moment. We'll schedule something for another time. Honestly, you shooting up isn't even one of my biggest concerns anyway."

As Camie sees herself to the door, you wish you could just bash her head against the wall instead of this bullshit. But you'd got Chizome and all of the others in the prison relying on you now, too. This is so much bigger than just you.

"Goodbye, Y/N," she says as she opens the door. "See you soon."

"Yeah, sure," you sigh.

And just like that, she leaves.

The second the door is shut, you rush to your room and pack your bag. You know Kendo might never have signed up for any of this, but now, there's no other choice. You've got a lot of work ahead of you.

And Kendo will not be happy.

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