𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽: 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗

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Less than a minute later, the two strangers you had just seen hooking up, burst into the room angrily.

"Who the hell are you?!" the woman shouts as the man points his arm at you. Kendo and you both stand suddenly as it begins to rotate like a drill in your direction.

"Nobody!" you answer quickly. "We're nobody. Who are you?!"

"What? We asked you first," the woman scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Show us your permits," the man insists.

You and Kendo look at each other. "Why should we?" she asks. "You're not a security officer!"

"You, uh, you didn't see anything, did you?" the woman then asks a bit calmer than before. "Sen, they're not going to talk to anybody about this, you can calm down."

"See anything?" you shrug. "What do you mean?"

"We know you saw us-" Sen begins, before a quick nudge in the side by the woman.

"No, we won't say anything," you shake your head. "As long as you stop inquiring for our permits like some kind of officer."

"We won't," she replies, lifting her chin up slightly. "You may go."

"Setsuna," Sen then quickly turns to her before either of you has a chance to escape. "We should turn them in. They're obviously quells from the eighth."

"Why is that our problem?" she rolls her eyes. "They'll get caught eventually, they can't hide. They just said they wouldn't talk about us."

"Why is it so important we don't talk about you?" Kendo narrows her eyes at them.

"I'm willing to bet that at least one of them is in a relationship and shouldn't be here," you smile at your friend. "So maybe all four of us should forget what we saw here tonight."

"Thank you, that's exactly what I was about to say," Setsuna nods before looking at Sen. "See?"

"Whatever," Sen rolls his eyes, the two of them turning to leave.

"Wait, hold on," Kendo then calls out, much to your surprise. "Do you know about any activist groups in the seventh?"

"Kendo!" you hiss, pulling her aside.

"What?" she furrows her brows. "It's a legit question. These people are in the faction, they're probably involved with something."

"They could also be government workers! You don't know!"

"But if there was a group, we could stay with them. It'd be better than this place," she grumbles.

Setsuna and Sen pass each other a look. "No," the woman then shrugs simply. It's obvious, she's lying.

"The fourth has an actual activist group. Why don't you just go there?" Sen then asks.

"Uh, 'cause it's the middle of the night," Setsuna rolls her eyes. "Stop giving them ideas."

"Well, then the bar on Mizu Way would be a good place," he shrugs his shoulders, earning an icy glance from the woman.

"Thanks," Kendo nods before grabbing your hand. "Come on, Y/N. We should go there."

"Where's Mizu Way?" you ask the two of them.

Setsuna rolls her eyes as she grabs an old pen from the office desk nearby. She then grabs on to Kendo's arm and writes a list of directions to the bar. "Thanks," Kendo smiles gratefully at her.

"Yeah, well, you're lucky I'm not a snitch."


After Y/N and Kendo leave the warehouse, Setsuna turns to Sen and shakes her head.

"What?" he groans. "They seemed nice."

"I don't want the government sniffing around here, Sen. The Prime Minister's a fucking lunatic."

"And what? You'd rather have them just stay here and ruin our secret spot?" he argues.

"Whatever," she grumbles. "I've got a show in the morning so I'm heading home. I'll talk to you later."

"Sure," she sighs, watching her walk away. He always hated seeing her go, knowing that she'll just run right back to her boyfriend after the two of them finish the newest round of their game.

But this time, after Setsuna leaves, he doesn't have time to stand around and feel bad for himself. Instead, he fixes his clothes and runs in the same direction where the other two girls had gone. Although he has no reason to help them, something draws him towards the pair. Almost as if something in their eyes made him feel hopeful.

He just hopes he doesn't get killed for it.

Y/N'S P.O.V.

"You don't really trust those people, do you?" Y/N whispers to Kendo as the two of you walk along the dark streets of the seventh. "I mean, don't you think it was kind of suspicious how quickly they gave us those directions?"

"It was weird, yeah," she admits, trying to read her arm in the dim light. "But they didn't really have a reason to lie or send us on a wild goose chase. Besides, I'm sure they were smart enough to realize that if they pissed off a couple of strangers who walked in on them getting it on in the dark, we'd just go and report their fuck warehouse."

"Ugh, 'fuck warehouse'?" you repeat, cringing as she finally finds the right street.

"What? That's what it was."

"Sure, let's just hurry. I don't want to be out here anymore," you shutter.

Once Kendo finds the place, the two of you look up at the half broken-down building. A few lights are shining inside, a small sign saying, "Open," still lit up.

"Guess this is the place," she whispers as she walks in, not giving you a chance to argue.

"Hey, wait up! We should at least get our story straight first!"

The moment you step inside, you're blown away by what you see. You had been expecting it to be some run-down old bar, but instead, you see an almost fully intact building. There are rows and rows of alcohol along the walls, a few tables scattered throughout, and a stage on the left of the entrance. It's not just a bar.

"It's a comedy club?" Kendo phrases as a question as she looks at you with confusion all over her face. "Uh, maybe they did lead us to some bullshit..."

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