Delicious torture

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This chapter has torture tactic, self-harm. Also a sex scene with the MMCs and FMC.

Two weeks later...

Silence. It was screaming all around him. Primo would have preferred the Russians or the Irish to torture him physically. Pain, he could deal with. It was there, tangible as a weapon made contact. But the silence. Waiting. Alone. He was not sure just how much time had passed for he had no timepiece of any kind. He was losing his mind.

His stomach was in knots from hunger. Just a few slices of bread and a plastic bottle of water was given to him every so often. Enough to keep him alive, but weak and compliant. No words from his jailers. He tried to kick at the tiny hatch at the base of the door. No use for the chain around his ankle made it impossible to get close. His fingers were just whispers away of the metal.

Another bottle of water along with a paper plate of food slid in from a slot at the base of the door. Just in his reach like before. He stared at it. I hope it is poisoned this time, he thought. Would this be the last day of his life? Gingerly, he went to the food. Meat with bread. The meat was an addition to today's meal. What kind of meat is that? It did not look like anything he had eaten before. Was this from the last of his generals that raped Evangeline? Would the Russians scoop so low to fed him human flesh? He started to take the bread instead since he was starving again. Yet, he kicked the plate away.

"FUCK YOU!" He screamed, trying to bang his fists on the door. He roared, yelled, tried to make someone, anyone to come into the room and kill him. He went to the chair, trying to rip it from the floor. Nothing. The chain was too short to wrap around his neck to strangled himself. Only the chair was in the room.

Kneeling down, Primo slammed his forehead into the metal seat. Lifting his head up, he fought the dizziness that was threatening to consume him. Again, he slammed his forehead. And again. Blood gushed from the split in his skin. Again, he slammed his head, hoping to crack his skull. Again.

Primo fell to the floor, panting. He was in and out of conscious. He tried to pull himself up to perform the sadistic act once more. Blood was leaking out to stain the cement. He closed his eyes, thinking that he was finally free.

The creaking of the door made him fight to stay awake. "Primo, I thought you would enjoy some peace and quiet after running like a scared bunny for all that time. Now, the really fun begins." Evangeline sang out, telling the men to take him to the truck. A jab in his neck made him jump. "Just a little something to keep you calm for the ride. Once we get to our destination, you will wish to be back in this hole. I wondered if you would last another two weeks. I doubt it though." Evangeline laughed sinisterly as Primo felt himself being carried from the room. What was to be of him now?

A few hours later...

"See the meat sent him into a rage. He tried to crush his skull in. I don't think I will look at veal the same way again." Evangeline explained to Leo and Rake while they were conducting their legit business. She was perched on Leo's desk, looking over some paperwork. Leo had his hand on her thigh, rubbing the skin under her blue suit skirt. "He has been moved to the farm just outside of the city. I think tonight will be a good time to start the rest of the festivities."

Rake was looking out the window, watching the first snow of the season. "Angel, I don't think you need to be a part of this anymore. You have gone through enough. I fear, we fear that it is consuming you." Rake turned to her. Her eyes were sharp at Rake, her mouth was set in a hard line of confusion.

Leo chimed in. "We do worry. You have been hurt the most by him and..."

Evangeline silence Leo with a kiss. "Moya lyubov', I can understand that you two are worried. That is why I am here today. I need you two, so badly." Evangeline cupped Leo's chin, pulling him to her for another kiss.

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