Seeking Forgiveness

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At a safehouse that Primo was staying at the time...

Primo held his head in his hand as he smoked his cigar. Taking the glass of whiskey from the table, he had to steady his hand to take a drink. Never in his life had he felt this type of fear. It was a horrifying feeling.

He thought Evangeline Fenner was a down on her luck stripper now with a sugar daddy. No, she was the personal secretary to the Lion and the Wraith and apparently more. If that was not bad enough, she was under the protection of the Shepherd. He did not realize how badly he fucked up when he decided to abduct and rape Evangeline for those two weeks.

The house in the country that she was last held at was burn to the ground the day after that new maid stole her. Three of the five generals that he allowed to fuck her were died. All three had signs of torture before a painful death. His town house was broken into, trashed beyond recognition. Every single front for his businesses were damaged in some way to cause major problems.

Bank accounts, even the hidden ones were drained. People loyal to him were running scare. He was running out of options to hide. Hell, he was place in the no-fly list for all his aliases! He chewed on his cigar while he tried to make a call on his burner phone.

That fucking detective was going to help him out or he was going to let the Russians knew that it was Warren who helped him out of prison. If that fucker was not so greedy to pay off his gambling debt, Primo would be still living fat behind bars. If he knew that this was going to be the price of freedom, scare to be pop at every turn, he would have stayed in prison.

The phone rang and ran before going to voicemail. Primo slammed the phone in disgust. Warren was avoiding him like the plague for the last two months. Only Primo and him knew that Warren had his fun with Evangeline too. Warren did not think there was proof, but the room he fucked her in had a hidden camera. Only Warren was filmed, not one else. Primo's ace under his sleeve when it came to the detective. Primo took another drink, his alcohol fueled brain trying to come up with a plan to get his life back.

At Saint Brigid Church during confession the next day...

Warren ducked into a confessional booth after nodding to a nun was who wiping down a pew. His mind was heavy with fear. What Primo did to Evangeline, hell he was just as guilty. Warren was desperate to get the debt off his back with the bookie. The fucking dog track was his clutch and he had been losing heavily. Primo get him an out and Warren ran with it. Now, he was fucked.

Warren sat, waiting for the priest to speak. He could hear the flapping of pages, perhaps a bible. It was a church. The small door between slid open and he could see the outline of the person there.

"Forgive me, father for I have sinned." Warren spoke.

"Confess your sin to me." The priest said in a low tone.

"I allow an evil man to be free from prison and now I fear I have a target on my back." Warren spoke, picking at his nails in a nervous manner.

"Tell me, my child. Why do you think this way?" The priest asked, turning his head to the screen.

"I am a police detective, and I was in with it bad with a bookie. This guy...Lawence Primo told me that he knew about my debt and would resolve it if I got him out of prison. I did. Now, Primo is in trouble with some powerful Russian mobsters for hurting their girlfriend." Warren started to feel a bit better, confessing to the priest. He was not really religious, but speaking about his problems to someone who can't go blabbing to everyone was good.

"My child, I can see why you felt targeted. Helping this man get release was a bad thing, but you are not responsibility for his actions since he was freed." The priest spoke, giving him a sense of comfort.

" see. I also hurt her. The girlfriend." Warren hung his head.


"I ...force her to have sex with me. She was drugged and beaten. I used her for my pleasure. A token of Primo's appreciation to getting him out of prison." Warren lifted his head. "Do you think the Lord will forgive me?" He asked.

"I know the Shepherd won't." The priest spoke firmly. Suddenly, a sharp stabbing pain, a needle, was in Warren's neck. He tried to struggle, but the tiny booth made it impossible to fight what had him. The whatever was in that needle was entering his bloodstream, making his body fall limp. Warren slouching against the screen, his eyes trying to focus on the priest on the other side.

"But this is a confessional." Warren slurred as he fought to keep conscious.

"And I am the Lord's sword, ready to strike down the sinners of the world." The priest, Father Mallory warned. The father climbed out the booth from the hidden door in the back that led to the small hall. Sister Gemma was standing there, syringe in hand. Together, they pulled Warren from the booth. Laying him out, Sister Gemma got a good look at him.

"Yes, he was the one I saw leaving the house the day I found Evangeline. Protector of the people, my ass." Sister Gemma kicked at the detective's foot. Father Mallory signaled for two of the church's brother to take the detective and kept him there until they could figure out what to do to him.

"Do you know I have not been to the tracks in ten years?" Father Mallory told Sister Gemma as the two walked to his office to make a phone call to Leo and Rake.

"Really? I have never been." Sister Gemma told him with a wicked smile on her face.

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