I Know Who You Are

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A few days later...

Evangeline was thrilled about getting a five-year bonus. Now, she had enough money to place a security deposit down and first month's rent on the nicer place. She was sitting in the courtyard on a bench outside of the office. The warm weather was prefect for eating her simple lunch.

As she scrolled through the real estate listings about the city, a shadow fell over her. Looking up, her happy mood turned sour quick. Standing there was Detective Matthew Warren, the one who approached her at Trent's funeral. The same one who waved the warrant in her face and threated to send her pretty little ass to prison, his own words, not hers.

"I have nothing to say to you." Evangeline was cold as ice to him. She stood up, grabbing her purse. She started to walk away, but he stepped in front of her.

"I know we have not had the best relationships..." The navy suit wearing man said, holding out his hands to stop her.

"You threaten me in my own home and then harassed me at my husband's funeral!" Evangeline yelled, getting the attention of the others around them. "I want you out of my way and never show back up in my life." Evangeline backed up and sidestepped him, getting away.

He turned to her retreating figure. "Primo is getting out of prison today." That made Evangeline stop in her tracks. "I just found out myself. I don't know what kind of deal he made, but at five pm today, he is a free man." He ran his hands through his sandy hair.

"Primo was known for his big mouth. He talked." Evangeline spoke to the detective over her shoulder. "His 'talking' was going to put him in the ground. You and I know that for sure." If Primo's mother was alive, he would sell her out to save his own skin.

"Tell me what you know. What Trent knew." The detective stepped to her, pleading with her.

Anger flared in Evangeline's eyes as she turned to him. Her hands balling into fist. "What did you think Trent did when he would come home from work. Tell me every gory detail of his clients. No! He left that shit at the office with any fucking case file he was working on. He never brough any of it home!" Evangeline was yelling at him. "That was our home, his sanctuary. And you all come busting in with your guns and demands. Trash our living room, broke my wedding china! You all were scum under the protection of that fucking piece of paper!"

Leo and Rake were informed about the detective harassing their secretary. They were going to confront the man but stood at the courtyard door for Evangeline was handling it well. She was giving him the business end of a tongue lashing.

"And how in the hell did you get in this courtyard? Jump the fence? You should have gone to the front office and ask for me, like a smart cop would. If you want something to pin on Primo to get him back behinds bars, he was over two point three million dollars in the hole with the law firm. One point two of that was supposed to go to Trent. The lawsuit for that is probably still active." Evangeline turned away, a scold on her face. Security was rushing out to take the detective from the area.

"Ms. Fenner..." Leo called out softly to her.

"Primo is being release from prison." Her eyes were glued on the detective who was being escorted out. After he was gone, she turned her attention to them. "I am not a stupid woman, or a naïve one. I knew who your fathers were before I was hired, and I know who you two are. The Lion and the Wraith." She whispered the name that they were given from their dealing in the mob. They were sons of the Russian crime bosses who had made a name for themselves over the years.

"What does our angel want us to do with Primo?" Rake asked, his fingers gently touching her cheek, wiping away a tear.

"It is too soon to strike. He will be loaded down with men, especially if he ratted on Boss Fonzo. Just..." She laid her forehead on his fine grey suit covered chest. She breathed him in. Leather and cashmere. Her hand reached out and took Leo by the arm. She pulled him close, laying her forehead on his black suit jacket. Salt air and burning wood was Leo's scent. Her mind went to the night at the Velvet Rose for a second. Impossible, but would have been incredible.

Her Two Bosses (NaNoWriMo '23)Where stories live. Discover now