Primo All Tied Up

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A few days later...

Primo tossed his bag in the back of the shitbox car he was driving and hauled ass down the street. Just inside the of the foyer of the place he was hiding was a plastic lined box with human intestines and a police badge. It was Detective Warren's. It was a warning that he was next.

Looking down the back-alley road, his mind of a flurry of what to do. He was coming up with a blank. Since he learned who the hell Evangeline was now, he had been regretting his life mob career. Never in a million years did he think his demise would ever come from a pretty face in a skirt.

Primo was too busy thinking about how he was going to survive to notice the black SUV coming up behind him fast. When he finally glanced up to check his rearview mirror, glass shattered about his face as his car was broad sided on the left. Primo was tossed about the seat pain shooting through him as the large truck with a fortified grill continued to crush the metal of the car.

Silence, only the ringing in Primo's ears was the thing he could hear in the beginning. The revving of a diesel engine as the truck back away from the wreck. Voices, Russian and Irish shouting about. The whining of a power tool was at the door, cutting open a space. Hands grabbing him, pulling him out.

"The Lord has blessed us today." Father Mallory mused as the battered man was tied and gagged. A black hood covered his face before he was tossed into the modified truck of a large town car. Primo's bag was place in the front seat to go through later. The driver of the town nodded, leaving the scene to make room for the tow truck back in to remove the vehicle.

The diesel engine was killed, and the driver's side door opened. Evangline hopped out, wearing black slacks and a simple black sweater. Her hair was braided up and hidden in a black beanie. She walked to Father Mallory who was helping the tow truck back into position.

"Leo and Rake was at the warehouse, everything is ready. Do you want a ride over there?" She asked as they moved away to let the tow truck driver do his work.

"Nay, lass. The Shepherd's work is done. Besides, I will be conducting a church meeting later about raising funds to repair the youth center." He walked her back to the truck.

"Send me the information about the youth center and the estimate of the repairs. With everything you have been for me and my family, it is the least I can do." Evangline kissed his cheek.

"I will, lass. Say how did you convince those two about letting you help snatching Primo?" Father Mallory asked as he opened the diesel truck door for her.

"Oh, they think I am at home, waiting for a car to pick me up. Niaomi was supposed to drive this thing." Evangline laughed as she climbed into the cub. Niaomi was sitting in the passenger seat, wearing the biggest smile.

"Like I was going to let her sit at home, missing out on the fun. The boys can yell at me later." Niaomi snickered as Evangline started up the engine. Father Mallory laughed and closed the door. The diesel truck left out from the alley and headed to the warehouse where Primo was being taken to.

The women were riding in silence until Evangeline spoke. "What if I can't face him? Primo. What if I see him and I am right back there, cuffed to that fucking bed and him raping me?" She asked, her voice trembling.

Niaomi reached over and touched the white knuckles that were gripping the steering wheel tight. "You don't have to see him. Or be there. You know that he is capture and he is going to pay from what he did to you. Pull over and I will drive you back home." She rubbed Evangeline's arm.

"No. I can take you there. I need to at least go to the warehouse. See Leo and Rake. By now, they know that I am not at home." Evangeline commented. As if acknowledging she is with Niaomi, the burner phone that Rake's sister was carrying chimed.

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