Chapter Twelve

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Rose turn to saw .
"Cr-Crystal..." Rose stand and spoke.
"Who hurt you?"Crystal ask in lil anger tone.
"Why you came here?" Rose ask her.
"I asked who hurt you Rose"Crystal look into Rose eyes.
"Not that much important".Rose said while looking around.
"I asked something Rose"Crystal raise her voice lil on Rose.

Rita excuse herself Because she don't want anything kind of misunderstanding between Rose and Crystal so she gave time to talk . Rose was ignoring Crystal it's irritating her . Crystal pick Rose in bridal style and started to walk toward her car.

"Crystal what you doing...Leave me Crystal"Rose said while getting angry.
"You'll fall if i leave you"Crystal said with a straight face.
"Ah i mean i can walk by myself"Rose said while looking at Crystal.

Crystal place Rose on beside driving sit and sat on Driving sit . Crystal locked the door of car .

"Why you lock??"Rose ask and looked at Crystal.
"Why you are running from me?"Crystal ask while calming herself .
"Because i don't want to be with you"Rose said while looking outside.
"Whyy??"Crystal asked in low voice.
"What's our relationship huh???? You behave cold with others and soft with me You do that deal IS IT JUST DEAL OR SOMETHING ELSE CRYSTAL???"Rose raised her voice lil.
"Rose listen let me explain"Crystal said while holding Rose hands .
"Leave me alone I'm going" Rose get out from the car .

Crystal POV
My heart get broke after hearing that words from Rose Her behavior was changed after the Shopping .
I don't know what destiny decide but i really want her in my life .

Crystal call Shoji On The call

"Did Rose told anything to you?"Crystal asked.
"No Crystal why what happened?Shoji get confused.

Crystal hang up without saying anything . Suddenly Shoji door get knocked . He opened the door and saw Rose she immediately hug him.

"What happened Lil Rose?"Shoji asked while rubbing her back .
"I started to Live happily but then i realize this was just a temporary happiness and everything"Rose clutched Shoji shirt .
"What-what you are saying girl and why Crystal called me and asked about you?"Shoji said and wipe her tears.
"Why she called you?"Rose take the tissue paper.
"I'm having the same question but why you crying ??"Shoji asked her.

"Shoji I like Crystal" Rose spoke while sobbing
"What????" Shoji get shock after listening this .
"Yes i started to fall for her and now it's hurting that i don't know what we are" Rose looked at Shoji.
"You guys kissed eachothers" Shoji spoke .
"How you know?"In confused tone Rose asked .
"I saw at beach midnight you guys kissed eachothers"He explained to Rose .
"It just a deal nothing else" Rose looked down.
"Deal??Rosie what you mean by that you guy aren't in relationship and kissed each other saying that it's a Deal"Shoji said in lil anger tone .

Rose go in balcony and sat on chair . She is seeing the sunset .

"Can you make coffee for us ??"Rose asked and looked at him .
"Why not anything for you"Shoji stand and go towards kitchen .

He was making coffee suddenly his phone ring . Cassie texted him .

What happened to Rose and Sister?
You know anything ?

I don't know ...

Sister was in mad mood
not talking with us .
Her behavior is different

Like how??
Here Rose is also not telling anything

Ahh Shoji i want Rose and Sister together.

Don't worry they both will confess soon .

Shoji place his phone aside take the coffee and go in balcony . Rose was already fall asleep after crying for an hour .
Shoji click picture of Rose and send that to Crystal and texted her "Don't worry Crystal ...Rose is with me and sleeping peacefully ".

Shoji take Rose with him and place on the bed she was sleeping peacefully . Fupei came from outside and Screaming "Wooaahh"

"Shut your mouth Rosie is sleeping"Shoji came out from the bedroom and spoke.
"Sister? what she is doing here?"Fupei asking .
"Can't she take rest here?"Shoji raise one eyebrow.
"Ahh Brother she can I'll chill now"Fupei said and go to take shower.

Rose was Gonna to stay with Shoji . He cooked dinner and everyone ate it . Shoji give the medicine to Rose and she again fall asleep .

At Morning Shoji was chilling in living room Fupei was in Uni .Rose woke up and gone to take bath .

Crystal was thinking to text Rose but she changed her mind and texted Shoji . She told everything to him now Shoji get to know how to handle the situation .

Crystal was in her office Suddenly Ashira came inside she didn't even looked at Ashira .

"Crystal????"Ashira call out her name.
"Do you have manners or not huh? Don't know that you want to knock door before coming inside"Crystal said in a cold tone.
"Ahh Crystal you own my heart ...I'm in love with you"Ashira smile and spoke .
"Shut up You bitch"Crystal looked at her .
"Crystal i can give you anything you want"Ashira smirked .

Crystal stand and came out from the Office she was searching for Asher but he wasn't here .

"Um boss Asher gone for meeting have you forgot"Lily spoke .
"Did anyone came to meet me?" Crystal asked to lily .
"No boss But Ashira.." Lily point at her .
"We can't talk about her" Crystal spoke in done expression .

On other side Rose decided to tell everything what Ashira said and all to Crystal . For apologize she go in the Crystal office .

"Ahh excuse me ???? You can't meet boss easily?Lily spoke and looked at her.
"Um actually i just---"Rose turn and before she can complete her lily cut it .
"Ahh Rose"Lily scream in excitement.
"Shhh Chill Girl just it's not normal"Rose said while calming her .
"Nooo not for us ; Boss and You are dating right ??"Lily spoke .

"What?? who said?"Rose get confused .
"Yours and boss pictures are leaked on internet "Lily said while showing the.
"Just let me meet her I'll tell afterwards"Rose said in hurry .
"I'll wait for your answer Rose"Lily spoke in excitement .

Rose open the door of cabin and her Step stopped on door she don't know want to believe on her eyes or not . Rose came here to solve the misunderstanding between her and Crystal but now . She don't want to see Crystal face .

Will Rose Understand Crystal or the misunderstanding between them will grow too much

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