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everybody here was someone else before
and you can want who you want
Welcome To New York - Taylor Swift


Now that Luke had finally finished his exams his whole flat was able to go out to celebrate. They had planned to make it their best night out yet.

The group started early, they ordered pizzas (again) and sat eating them in the kitchen whilst sipping on cocktails. The girls were half ready to go out, all dressed up but with their hair in towels and faces make-up free. Luke and the guys got themselves showered and dressed in record time and headed out before the girls to get themselves some pre-drinks in at a local pub.

Chloe, Amy, Lauren and Grace joined them around an hour later at ten-thirty. By this point Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton had already had a few pints of beer each and had spectacularly lost at three rounds of the pub quiz.

"Guys, why are we so bad at this??" Ashton complained. " We're uni students and between us we've gotten twenty two out of sixty questions right. We're being thrashed by all these old dudes."

"Hey! Watch who you're calling 'old dudes'" Yelled a middle-aged woman on their right.

"Sorry!" Ashton shouted back as Luke, Michael and Calum snickered. The girls sat down at their table after they had grabbed some drinks and shook their heads at the boys' antics.

"Can you lot not get us kicked out of the pub before we've even started please?" Lauren chastised.

"Whatever." Michael rolled his eyes. "At least now that you're here we might not lose this next round." He grinned.

The group got started on their drinks and completed another three rounds of the pun quiz. With the help of the girls they managed to not come last again.

Another hour later and they were all ready to move on to their favourite club after multiple rounds of drinks. They were all slightly tipsy as they made their way down the street, holding on to each other and laughing.

The bouncer checked their IDs and they all entered the club after paying. They immediately headed over to the bar to get in a round of shots before heading over to the dance floor.

Luke enjoyed himself as he danced with his friends, he was finally able to let go and have fun for the first time in months, he allowed the alcohol he had consumed to cloud his mind, making him forget all of the stress he had been feeling recently from the incident with Marie and from his exams.

An hour and a half and a large amount of alcohol later, Luke sat off to the side of the club on a sofa with Calum and Amy as they watched the rest of their friends drunkenly dance to the fast-paced music.

The buzz of the alcohol had worn off for Luke and now he was brooding and becoming angry that he hadn't been able to track down Marie's killers.

Michael was the first to notice Luke's change in mood and his angry demeanor. "Hey, you okay, man?" He asked.

"Hmm." Luke hummed, distracted by the dark thoughts circling his brain.

"You wanna get out of here?" Michael suggested.

"Yeah, please." Luke jumped at the chance to leave the stuffy club. The smell of alcohol mixed in with sweat and perfume wasn't helping him clear his head.

The two of them made a round of the dance floor, grabbing their friends quickly to say goodbye before heading out onto the busy London streets.

Luke was still pretty drunk, and so Michael, who had sobered up considerably, guided him along the pavement.

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