xlii. turning a page

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chapter forty two.   turning a page

﹙season four, episode ten - eleven﹚


JULIETTE SAT ON AN old bed yet again, except this time, another person was in the room with her

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JULIETTE SAT ON AN old bed yet again, except this time, another person was in the room with her. She sat on the edge of it, her knees brought up to her chest as she stared forward. Next to her, who kept a long distance between them, sat someone she never thought she'd see again. The boy next to her had his body outstretched on the mattress like a starfish, his gaze on the ceiling. They hadn't exchanged words or even pleasantries. And, just downstairs, was a woman Jules never thought she'd see again, either. She then looked down at her unoccupied hands, feeling just a tad bit giddy because they were able to find them.

     "So," Jules finally started, briefly looking at him from the corner of her eye, desperate to break the silence, "what happened? Um, I mean, how did the two of you find each other?" Considering Scout should have left on the bus, it doesn't make sense how he wound up with Michonne, since the rest of the people who boarded the bus should have been with him.

     Nervous laughter was soon followed by her words, the sounds coming from the boy himself. He sat up, straightening his back as he tapped fingers on his thighs. "I never made it to the bus. It was gone before I got there. I didn't know what else to do, so I went back to where you were. Of course you weren't there, but then Michonne appeared out of nowhere. Before you ask, i didn't happen to see anyone else."

The girl hummed in reply, nodding her head slowly. She couldn't help but feel a little bit bad that she had already gone, but it wasn't within her control at the time. "Sorry, I think? For basically leaving you, that is." She winced at the uncertainty in her voice, turning her gaze to the window instead.

Scout shrugged his shoulders casually. "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known." She nodded, both in agreement in understanding. Her gaze then was back on him, carefully tracing him. Jules smiled. He seemed to be over the illness.

"It looks like you're better now," Jules spoke, changing the subject with a small smile. Scout fully faced her now, a wide grin on his face. She watched as he shifted his eyes to the pack that was outstretched to the left of him, reaching into it.

"Yeah, I'm almost completely fine now," he answered as he sifted through the bag, before pulling out a very rundown looking book. Jules raised a curious, but intrigued eyebrow as Scout shoved the item into her hands. "I found it while Michonne and I were gathering supplies. It reminded me of you, and I was kind of clinging onto the fact that we'd find you guys."

Jules smiled softly as she wiped the dust off of the book. It was a classic piece of literature she had read dozens of times in her life: Moby Dick. "Have you ever read it?" she asked quietly as she flipped through the pages, enjoying the feel of the pages underneath her fingertips.

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