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Kamari sat there on her couch as she took in the hustle bustle that filled her usually empty house. She looked around at the plates of food being set up for her final meal.

Her final meal.

She was going back into the arena. She was gonna die. And every time the thought resurfaced in her head, she wanted to break down. The little blonde girl ran up to her, grabbing her hands and pulling her up. Kamari got up, letting the little girl in pigtails lead her to the table. The familiar redhead stood at the other side of the table and gave her a soft smile. Just as she stood there, the redhead girl started speaking. "This feast is in honour of our friend and victor, Kamari Grey. We are waiting for you to come back." She said as the crowd around the table settled down. Platters were passed around, laughter erupted in the usually empty house as jokes were cracked. Then all too soon, the food was over, coffee was made and people sat around the living room, on rugs and couches and pillows, and the laughter continued. The redhead slowly approached her before pulling her along upstairs.

"We need to talk." She said closing Kamari's door behind them. "I mean, I was hoping to delay this for as long as possible. But I guess this the last time, I'll see you for a long time." Kamari said bouncing on the bed. "Don't say that. Please." The redhead said sitting next to her. "Griffin–" Kamari started but Griffin put a finger on her lips. "Just promise me you'll be safe." Griffin said. "I-I can't promise you that. I'm sorry, Griff." She said. "Did Haymitch get through to the Capitol dude?" She asked breaking the awkward silence that had settled over them. "Yeah, he did." She said. "Listen, I made a deal with him." Kamari said letting it out in one breath, a weight lifting off her chest.

"Kami, you what? Are you fucking insane? You made a deal with someone from the capitol. What if he sells you out?" She shouted at her as Kami tried to calm her down. "I told him I'll help only if he gets you out. All of you." She said in a quiet voice, fidgeting with the sleeve of her sweater. When Griffin didn't respond, Kami looked up at her to find her looking at her with dark eyes from the chair in the corner of her room. "If everything goes to shit, you'll know. The first thing they do is cut the feed. Take everyone and get to the lake. A hovercraft will take you from there." Kami said stepping forward to the point where she was standing right above the redhead. "Take us where, Kami? You've been talking about this for months. But you won't tell me where?" She looked at her in betrayal. "I can't tell you that." Kami looked away from her.

"Since when do we keep thing from each other, Kami. Since when do we lie to each other." She said slowly standing up. They were looking into each other's eyes now, their noses touching. "I am trying to protect you." The brunette said, her voice barely a whisper. "By lying to me?" Griffin asked, barely holding her anger back.

"I-" Kami stopped on her own. "Talk to me when you're ready to tell the truth. Everyone down there, you mean something to them. Not just a victor. You're their friend. Hell, you're their family. They'll follow you to the end. But I'm gonna be right at the front, next to you. So, you need to tell me the truth." She said making Kami look at her. "I love you, Kamari." She said with tears in her eyes. "Come back, okay?" She said hugging her. "I love you too, Griffin Parker." She whispered as she felt Griffin shake her head but decided to ignore it. Trying to hold onto this moment for as long as possible


It felt like no time had passed since the announcement of the card (even though 4 months had passed). Someone pounded at the door. Kamari took a deep breath, now dressed in a black dungaree, and swung open the door. "We'll be escorting you to the Town Square, Miss Grey." He said in that ever-annoying monotone voice. She turned around to take one last look at the small group assembled at her house. Old friends, acquaintances and left over family members, stood in the door way. The little girl who looked like a ghost of the girl Kamari once knew jumped forward and wrapped her arms around the older girl's torso. "You'll come back. Right?" She asked looking up at the older brunette with her large innocent eyes. "I'll come back. Of course, I'll come back, Lucy. And then we'll go to lake and have a big picnic. We'll invite everyone and dance and sing and we'll have so much fun." Kamari said holding back tears. "I love you, Kami." She said as the older girl looked up at the little crowd that formed. They all looked at her pity. Just as she turned around, Griffin stepped forward. "Come back, Kami." She said, but didn't let Kami continue. "I don't mean from the games. I mean come back from this reaping." Kamari looked at her in surprise. "Griffin, I can't promise anything." She whispered to her friend. "I know. I know. Just don't Kamari this." She said.

"My name isn't verb, Griff." The victor looked at her best friend with the fake smile. "You know what I mean. Don't do anything stupid." Griffin said as she wrapped Kamari in a hug. "Don't make me loose more people." She said, as she pulled away, pressing a firm kiss onto her lips. Before Kami could recover from the shock, she was being pulled out into the street, being lined up with the rest of the victors. She looked back to her best friend with desperate eyes, but was met with no avail, as the group moved to the square.


Sorry, guys.

I kinda forgot this app as a whole existed......

but I'm back.

I promise.

I won't disappear again...

(Until my finals in may😃✌️)

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