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Pixie fluffed the dress out for what seemed like the 100th time. And she was getting silently annoyed but decided to keep her criticism to herself because she really didn't wanna be dressed in animal print for her interview. "He'll be here soon. Probably just fussing over having to be shirtless." Pixie said in response to her craning her neck towards the door for the 6th time since they had arrived. And as if on cue, Keith walked out, Malcom on his arm.

His torso was covered in golden shimmering, see-through material. Form the front it was a dull golden shirt, tucked in black pants. But when ever he moved the black straights painted into his skin, shine from under the material. By the time she had comprehended what Keith was he had reached her and Malcom had let go of his arm, slowly leaning on Pixie.

The second Malcom had secured himself on the edge of the chariot, Keith jumped at her, arms wrapping around her neck. She hugged him back, rather gingerly, careful of the black paint as Malcom eyed her with fake anger. At least, she hoped it was. "I'm so glad you are okay." Keith whispered before pulling away, cutting off anything she had to say.

The shining worry in his eyes reminded her that none of them had know that she was back when Pixie had taken her in the morning. None of them had gotten to talk to her. Ask me how she was. Memories flashed in her mind. She would not talk to anyone. Not even her own mother who was also a victor.

It took her a while, years, to open up to people. All to the people who surrounded her. All victors. Even then it was her mother's death which led her to seek comfort in the people around her. The only people who understood. It took a while but she finally learned to seek comfort from people. To seek comfort in people.

"Sorry." She said, pretending to brush something off his shoulder to create a false context. The worry on his face lessened but it was still ever present until, sounds of running footsteps distracted them as Kamari turned just in time to catch Alia as the blonde threw herself at Kamari. "You look gorgeous." She exclaimed, loud enough to get a few heads turning towards she. But it was mostly victors who have gotten to know the young blonde in the few years she has been a victor. Few laughs echoed through the dreaded hallways at her behaviour before she pulled away, jumping onto Keith's back as all three of them joined in the laughter, accompanied by Malcolm chiding Alia to behave. Matt and Trixie came out of the elevator next.

They were quick but Kamari noticed the ends of the quick movement in which the couple separated from each other. Trixie rapidly walked out of the elevator leaving behind a dumbfounded Matt, with his hair slicked back. He regained his composure almost immediately and strutted out the elevator. His shiny blazer glittering under the overhead lights. He gave Kamari a quick side hug before moving past the victors completely all the way to the end where a young girl stood petting the horse that pull the chariots. She almost blended in with the horse if it wasn't for her tan skin making her stand out. Matt, still in Kamari's line of sight, looked at her over his shoulder as she immediately set into motion following behind the shiny man. Matt reached her before Kamari did and as soom as she turned Kamari's heart stopped a little. It was the victor she was dreading meeting.

Katniss bloody Everdeen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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