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"Are you fucked in the head, Keith? Why did you do that?" Kamari yelled at man in front of her. "I could ask you the same fucking thing!" He shouted back at her. For a second, Kamari paused, taking in the white bandage that ran through his black hair, holding a wad of cotton on the wound on his temple. "Yeah, but I don't have a family back home. I don't people waiting for me." She said and everyone's face fell at the comment. Deep down even she knew it wasn't true. But at least she didn't have daughter who idolized her. "You have people waiting for you too. I would have been waiting for you. I didn't want to have to watch you die." He said, now they were both standing, screaming at each other, while the rest of the victors and Trixie watched the fight unfold. "What now you're gonna subject me to having to kill you? After Alex, you know I can't do this." She shot back making an eerie silence fall upon the room. "It won't come down to that. You know it." He said, his voice softer now. "What if we fail? What if it does come down to the two of us? Then what, Keith?" She said, her voice rising back with anger.

"How about this? We watch the other reaping ceremonies and then, only then, continue this morbid conversation." Trixie said, now dressed in loose t-shirt that Kamari had definitely seen before on someone else and loose pants. She had no makeup on her face and that ridiculous hairdo was gone, leaving her wet hair down in its dyed red waves. Trixie was a few shades darker than what makeup she often used was. Without all the white powder, Trixie's gold tattoos shone. They complimented the chocolatey colour of her skin and every time Kamari looked at her, she couldn't stop but admire, how beautiful Trixie naturally was.

All of them listened to Trixie like children would to a mother and settled in the large couch facing the TV. Trixie turned the giant TV on as a lavender-haired man appeared on screen. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am your host Ceaser Flickerman and may I introduce the Tributes for the 75th hunger games. The third quarter quell." He announced in a tone that was sure to receive howls of cheers from the capitol citizens. "This year, we will be mixing things up." Ceaser announced. "This year we will be starting from the bottom. We'll be starting with the tributes of district 12."

As the justice building of district 12 came into view, Matt got up from his place right in the centre of the couch, next to Trixie. "Now that we are watching it might as well do a threat assessment." Matt said, rubbing his hands together. "Or see which one of our friends is gonna die." The brunette stated from his place next to Keith. Trixie gave him an exaggerated sigh before slapping his arm. "If you won't be contributing positively, Joe. Then don't contribute negatively either." Joe mocked her as Matt sucked his teeth. "Okay, so, moving on." He said just as two star-crossed lovers from 12 were being presented to the district. "So, this is Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen. From what we know, the girl is smart and the boy is strong. They are also working under Haymitch, so an alliance is going to be beneficial for us." Just as he waited for the tributes of 11 to be reaped, an avox stepped up, fast forwarding the video and handing the remote to Matt. The group of 7 looked at her in shock as, Matt regained his composure. They made their way through the reaping's, moving over the unnecessary parts.

Kamari asked for Johanna as an ally and Keith mumbled if she wanted to be murdered in her sleep causing the fight to start again. Once they all calmed down, Matt was the first to be the voice of reason. When Keith stated that Falcone from 5 would make a powerful ally, Kami snorted and a toss of sarcasm between them began. This time, Joe was the voice of reason. He stated that the 2 were behaving like children and were in time out till they "gathered the shards of their maturity" again. The two kept mocking and questioning each other's choices for allies and in the end a frustrated Matt grunted before stating, "Kami and Keith, might I remind you that, Havensbee and that drunken idiot were very clear on who is gonna be part of whose alliance."

The group sighed at the tributes' childish behaviour. Trixie silently squeezed her hand as the old woman from four volunteered for the red headed girl and a handsome looking blonde man were picked as tributes. "They'll be okay." Trixie said noticing the tears stinging the young girl's eyes. "Mags and Finnick can handle themselves." She whispered as Kamari stayed silent, trying to process all the friends she would be losing soon.

The second Cesear bid goodbye to the audience, Keith pushed himself off the couch and stormed off in the direction of his room. The rest left one by one, muttering 'good nights' to them, until Matt and Kamari were the only one left. "You can't be angry at him for something you did as well." Matt said, softly, not quite looking at her. "I did it to protect Alia. She's 17. She doesn't deserve this. Not again." She responded, allowing tears to flood her eyes for the first time since the reaping. "So, why can't Keith have the same reason?" Matt asked, moving closer to her. "Keith has a daughter. Kiara is 8. That's how old I was when Zeke," A sob racked through her body, tears flowing freely now. "I can't imagine having to tell an 8-year-old that her father isn't coming back home." She choked out. Matt rubbed her back trying to console her, pulling her into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his torso, tucking herself into him like a child.

"I know you think what Keith did was absolutely outrageous but hear him out at least. Please?" He said as she looked up at him. "Keith's thinking with his heart, not his brain. Actually, also with his brain, cause, I know for a fact that under no circumstances would either of you pick Haymitch's deal over the other. Talk to him. Figure it out. Tomorrow, we talk strategy." Matt said, getting up. He kissed her forehead one last time before walking off.

Thoughts clouded her mind for a very long time. Kamari sat there, on the sofa for a very long time. The sun was just over the horizon when a woman in all white clothing bought her a tray with some coffee and pastries on it. Kami denied it and finally got up from the couch and moved in the direction of Keith's room.

A knock startled Keith who had been lying awake the whole night. He opened the door to find the dark-haired girl on the other side. "Can we talk?" She asked as he just stepped aside. She sat on his bed trying to keep her tears at bay. Before she could decide how to start the conversation, Keith started, standing right in front of her. "Matt is like a father to you. After Valour, I couldn't let you lose anyone else." He said, his voice soft, like the sunrise that was beginning to break the horizon. "So, you're making me lose my brother?" She asked, tears filling up her eyes as she refused to look up at him. "I told you. We'll win." He said as he sat next to her. "What about Kiara?" Kamari asked, wiping her nose at the sleeve of her jumper. "I already talked to Kia about it. I made her understand what was happening. And what will happen. She's a smart kid you know." He said, smiling to himself.

"And Kami?" He said trying to get her attention from the knife she was fiddling with. She looked up at him, and Keith's heart broke a little at what he was about to say but she needed to hear it. "I'm not Alex, Kami. And I'm not gonna leave you. At any cost." Kami looked at him with tears in her eyes before resting her head in Keith's shoulder allowing herself to cy for a final time before arriving in the capitol.

"Keith, I'm scared." She whispered. Kami whispered in the early hours of dawn, her head resting on Keith's stomach and his hand resting on her head. "I know. Quite honestly, I'm terrified. But it's better knowing I have you." He spoke.

The 2 went onto enjoy the silence of the quite hours of morning until, the knocking came followed by shouting and threats which them both rise, hug and head to strategy meeting with the father of the group.



I'm also thinking of coming up with some banger ass chapter names

so, if any of y'all have suggestions 

please give

cause I'm so so so close to throwing myslef of a very tall something<3

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