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There were more peacekeepers than usual. Usually, she would be accompanied by two of them from the gate of the mansion to the president's office. But now there were six of them, all the way from the tribute centre, right to the president's office. One of the men in white held open the door as she slipped inside. She tightened her grip on the embezzled black clutch in her hand as the president, Cornelius Snow, dressed in an evening gown, covering a white shirt looked at her, from above his glasses.

"Forgive me. As you understand, I'm quite old now." He joked, removing the glasses placing them in an open case. She faked a laugh as she sat where he had gestured to. "Now, I'm sure you understand, why you are here, Miss Grey." She nodded. "Yes, Mr. President. You can just give me the necessary information and I will get you what you want, first thing in the morning." She said, not sporting wide shoulders or pride chin.

"Before that, I would like to discuss something with you." He said, moving to a table holding tea in the corner of the room. He raised the pot in her direction but she politely refused. "I prefer to... work on an empty stomach." She said as he laughed. "Sure Miss Grey. Every one works differently, but it doesn't matter as long as you get the work done. Am I right?" He said, returning with a cup of tea.

"I know you are wondering why you are here." President Snow said as she curtly nodded. "I will get straight to the point, and I will kindly request to not inquire about more information." He said as Kamari replied with a quite yes. "I need you to kill Katniss Everdeen." He said, not waiting for her response. He pushed towards her a tiny envelope, signalling the end of the conversation.

Kami snatched up the letter, leaving the room than the mansion as quickly as the fancy heels would carry her.

The young woman stumbled into the apartment on the tenth floor, slightly (a lot actually) buzzed and trying to ignore the throbbing between her legs. Her makeup had been washed off and her tied up hair now fell over her shoulder. Oblivious to her surroundings she sent a knife flying in the wall behind her but her target ducked before the knife found its mark. The man raised up with his arms in the air. "Kami, it's just me." The soft, familiar voice said as she held another knife, ready to send it flying at the man's head. The lights came on at his moments as she noticed the shaggy blonde hair and the loose knit sweater hanging over his body.

"Oh, it's just you." She tossed the knife on the table at it stuck out, blade embedded in the wood. "Are you drunk?" The man questioned pulling her back. She flipped him over on the floor. "How many time do I have to ask you to not startle me?" She said, her hand on his throat. "I asked you a question. You are drunk, aren't you?" He said, taking in her unfocused eyes and sunken cheeks.

"Why are you even here?" She said, her voice rough as she brushed down the dress. That was when he noticed it. The dress. His mind flashed back to when he met, he on the roof.

Kami had newly turned 15 and had been invited to the capitol for a big birthday celebration. The day after her birthday, Finnick was on the roof. Taking in the last remaining pieces of the capitol's quite beauty before he would head back to 4 the following day. His heart felt free, he sat there sipping coffee. Home. Happiness surged through him every time he thought about it.

The door of the roof banged open as Finnick hid behind on of the barrels that had been placed on the roofs, to make a sort of an obstacle course for victors who wanted to let out some energy. A smaller girl stepped out onto the roof. Her brown hair fell over her shoulders, down to her mid back as she walked to the edge, her arms wrapped around herself as she tried to keep herself warm in the exposing black dress she was wearing. Right before the edge, she fell to her knees, her arms holding her together. Finnick felt the urge to help her. Just as he got up, a knife soared at him, nicking his ear.

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