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The group of 7 victors walked down the aisle, flanked by peacekeepers, as the edges of the crowd reached out to touch them. It was a funeral tradition for them. When a person dies an untimely death, their coffin is taken around the district and people put flowers on it or most just simply touch and say a prayer. A prayer for them to move into the next life peacefully. The group of victors stepped onto the stage, standing behind their escort on a straight line, as one unit.

"Welcome, citizens of district 10, to the reaping for the seventy-fifth hunger games." The elaborately dressed woman in front of the mic said, barely making it through the sentence. She looked away to wipe off a stray tear that escaped. The tall man stepped forward, putting a hand on her shoulder, softly the red-haired woman turned around and looked at him with teary eyes.

"It's okay, Trixie. The rest of us will still be here." She just nodded his head in response before turning back to the mic. The silver haired man stepped back into the line as Kamari slid her hand into his giving it a squeeze. "I got you Matt. I know how hard this is for you." She whispered to him as the mayor droned on about the treaty of treason. Trixie sat off to the side, silently wiping off her tears.

Kamari knew how hard it was for Trixie. It was hard for all of them. Trixie was their friend. Fuck that. Kamari though. Trixie was part of their family. Years spent, sitting around the fire after games. Before victory tours. Trixie would always come a few days before the reaping and they would have family nights. Trixie was one of them. And it hurt. Having to pick one of your family to die. Kamari knew that better than all. All too early, the mayor was done as Trixie was stepping forward, wiping at her eyes a final time. Kamari let go of Matt's hand making space between them as Trixie held onto the mic for dear life.

"Now for the ladies." Trixie choked out, stepping towards. She walked to the big bowl with two pieces of paper inside. Kamari's gripped the blonde's hand tighter. Trixie, after what felt like forever, picked a chit and walked back to the mic. She fiddled with the paper before drawing in a deep breath. "The female tribute of District 10 is..." Trixie fumbled, opening the paper. "Alia Kane." The words had barely left Trixie's mouth when Kamari stepped forward pulling her hand away from Alia's. "I volunteer as tribute." Kamari said, as the younger girl tugged her arm back. "What are you doing?" The blonde whispered. "Protecting you. I'm not letting you go in there with those savages." She whispered back in a hurry, before pressing a kiss onto her forehead and pushing her back. "We have a volunteer." Trixie said looking at me in anger. "Please welcome your female tribute, Kamari Grey." Kamari swallowed down a hard lump as she stood next to the escort, a single tear escaping her eye.

Kamari hadn't thought this through. The second Alia's name was announced, Kamari knew she had to protect the younger girl. Just like the two older women would have done for her. As she stood next to Trixie, she realised what she had done. What would happen to her now. She allowed her mind to wander to other districts. How many of her friends would be going into that retched arena with her? How many of them would she have to kill before the girl on fire realises what she has to do?

"Now for the men." Trixie said turning away from the girl. The same process went over again, taking what felt like 100 years. "The male tribute of district 10 is, Mathew Harmon." The tall silver-haired man stepped forward and so did the black-haired man. "I volunteer." The voice rang through the quite town square. A whispered no escaped her as she leaned forward slightly trying to process what just happened. She slowly turned to look at the black-haired man stood next to Trixie. "Why, Keith?" She whispered to him as they shook hands and he just shook his head at her. As the stood side by side, Trixie announced them as the tributes for the 75th hunger games, Keith slid his hand into hers and raised it above them.

We stand by each other. It sent the message out. To everyone. To Snow. Peacekeepers grabbed both of them by their arms and pulled them into the justice building. Kamari pushed the peacekeeper away. When he tried to grab onto her again. She pushed him away and deliver a punch right onto his bare jaw. "I broke a peacekeeper's 3 ribs when I was 11. I dare you to imagine what will happen, now. Keep your hands off me." She bared her teeth at him.

The peacekeepers flanked the two of them now as they were escorted out the back of the Justice building towards the train station. "Where are we going?" Keith asked the peacekeeper to his right. "Train station." He replied in that trademark monotone voice. "Wait, what about goodbyes? We get to meet our families a final time." Keith questioned, stopping in his tracks, as Kamari closed her eyes in anger. Not at Keith. At Snow, she knew this was his doing. "Change of plans. No goodbyes this year." He said nudging him ahead with his gun. "No." Keith said trying to run back to the building. The peacekeeper on his left hit the butt of his gun in his stomach followed by his head making Keith double over in pain. Kamari rushed for the boy clutching his stomach only to be lifted off the ground by another man in white. "Hey, hey, hey. Keep your filthy hands off her." Matt shouted pulling the peacekeeper off her as she ran to Keith, who was still folded up on the ground. Kamari rolled Keith over so that his head was resting on her lap. "Hey, bigman." She said in a soft voice. "Can you hear me?" She asked as he slightly shook his head. She pushed the mop of black away from his forehead, inspecting the bleeding wound on his temple.

"Are you insane?" She shouted at the peacekeeper. "He is a victor. And he's a tribute. You of all should know tributes aren't supposed to be harmed in any way before the games actually start." She scolded him, like scolding a little child. "Now at least fucking help me." She shouted at them as two people, covered in white stepped forward. Grabbing one arm each, the hauled the injured victor, no, tribute up. The carried him over to the train.

Just as the train started to move, they all sat in their rooms, only Alia with Keith, was the only moment of peace they got before the fighting started.


two consectuive update?!?!?!??


Anyways. I forgot that yesterday was thursday and not friday (when I have planned on uploading this story)

So, I just decided to post another chapter again.

anyways guys

don't be a quite cat.

call me out


enjoy the chapter

love you guys


𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘 | THE HUNGER GAMESWhere stories live. Discover now