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"She's been self-medicating ever since. Which I applaud her for." Haymitch told the teens sitting in front of him, disregarding her as a threat. The screen changed now showing a smiling man with dirty blonde hair. "Finnick Odair. He won his games at 14, youngest ever." The man in front of the TV stated but the shaggy blonde 16-year-old stopped him from continuing. "That's not right, Haymitch." He said, making the older man smile. "That's right Peeta." He praised before looking to the brunette girl. "Pop quiz time. Katniss, who is the youngest ever victor?" He asked as she looked at him with wide eyes, unaware of the answer. "Peeta?" Haymitch questioned, moving on. "Kamari Grey." He said with confidence. "That's right Peeta, good job. Katniss, you should know learn these things. They'll help you make allies. And friends." He mumbled the last part, making Peeta snort.

"Moving on." Haymitch said, before an angry Katniss could retaliate. "As I was saying, Finnick, one of the youngest victors ever. He's a total peacock, complete capitol darling. But because of that an alliance will be beneficial. Mind you he is absolutely a threat." Haymitch said making Katniss question about his weaknesses. "Two." Haymitch responded. "Number one, Mags. She volunteered for Annie. Mags basically raised Finnick." Katniss's heart melted a bit at the sight of the old woman volunteering. "And her?" Katniss questioned despite her discomfort of the situation. "She's a really sweet woman, Katniss. She is not a threat but I do hope she goes quickly." Haymitch said, his voice softer than before.

"And the other?" Peeta questioned but Katniss could see the glossiness of his eyes. "Kamari Grey." Haymitch responded making Peeta's jaw drop. "Her?" Katniss questioned. "Yes, these two have been best friends since even before she won. They will do anything for each other. I have once seen Finnick almost break a Capitol man's jaw because touched Kami the wrong way. We all tried to stop him but he didn't even budge until she tried." Haymitch stated as the pair stared at each other. Haymitch wondered if the two teenagers would ever reach where they were.

"And what about her?" Peeta asked as Haymitch snorted. "Always on to next threat." Haymitch mumbled, changing the screen. "Kamari Grey. She won her games at 12, she is the youngest victor ever." Haymitch said making Katniss take in a deep breath. "Is she dangerous?" Peeta questioned.

"Extremely." Haymitch said taking a pause.

"At just 12, she ran into the cornucopia during the bloodbath and took out 5 tributes on her own. She has one of the highest deaths count out of any of the living victors. She is a legacy victor. Almost everyone in her family has been reaped for the games. Very few are still alive." Haymitch said making dread settle in Katniss's chest at sharing the same fate. "Her mother was a victor. And rumours are so was her mother. But Fallon's mother had passed away before games had started getting televised in the districts, so I guess we'll never know." He continued.

"Does she have any weaknesses?" Katniss asked, curiosity shining in her brown eyes. "In the games only two. Keith, her district partner, they are tight as thieves. He's like a brother to her. You hurt him she will not hold back. And Finnick. She loves him more than any of us will ever understand. And so does he." Haymitch said. "What about her district partner? Keith." Peeta asked.

"Keith Winchester. Won at 15. I will remind you that he will do absolutely anything for Kamari. And she will too. That group of victors are ruthless to anyone who hurts any one of them. They are like family for each other."

"Are they from the career districts?" Katniss asked, leaning forward on her knees.

"No, they're from 10."

Late in the night, when Katniss walked into the TV room hearing the noises. She found Peeta sitting on the couch, cross-legged, his eyes glued to the TV with such attention, he didn't even hear her enter. Some victor's tape was playing as Katniss tip-toed her way to him. When she stood right in front of him, did his head snaped up at her. "Couldn't sleep?" His voice a striking opposite to his shocked eyes. "Not much." She whispered, before settling in next to him. "What are you watching?" She asked him. "I was watching the victor tapes. This one's Brutus's." He said, tapping one of the names higher up in his notebook.

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