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"𝐔𝐇, 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐍?" Nicole pipped up on the phone, breaking Quinn's focus from smoothing out her hair.

"Yeah?" Quinn quirked, setting down her brush and looking into the camera.

"You know the theme is a costume party, right?" Nicole lifted an eyebrow with a knowing smile.

"Since when do you know me to care about shit like that?" Quinn giggled, looking over her hair and light makeup in her vanity mirror.

"Trust me, you look sexy as fuck," Nicole licked her lips playfully. "But, I don't know how the birthday boy is going to feel about someone not following the dress code."

"Birthday boy most likely won't even know I'm there with how Lennox was hyping this event up." Quinn brushed off her comment, standing up from her seat to look in her closet for some heels.

It was now a week and a half since Quinn had signed the NDA and damn near sealed her fate with this supposed party.

"I deserve a night out." She thought out loud, trying not to psych herself out into staying home. All that was running through her mind was the last time she was in a room with well-known faces and how downhill the night had gone.

Blinking away the negativity, she continued looking for the best shoes she could last all night in without looking like an injured bunny by the end of the night.

"Hm, Nic, what do you think about these?" Quinn walked back to her phone to show Nicole the red heels.

"Damn Quinn! Mind me asking how you were able to have a million-dollar wardrobe?! What are those? The new Mach and Mach's?!" Nicole gasped, eyes widening at the luxury shoe Quinn helped up in her hand.

"Nic! Answer my question." Quinn playfully rolled her eyes, earning an eager head nod from Nicole.

Quincy didn't really care about designer goods and luxuries that wouldn't really add to her life, but who is she to turn down gifts?

"Now answer mine! Who got you those? Do you have a sugar daddy I don't know about? We're besties! No gatekeeping!" The brunette whined through the call, fixing the top of her "costume".

"You're worried about my outfit, what the hell are you supposed to be?" Quinn laughed while taking a seat to put on the sexy red heels.

"A model, duh." Nicole answered matter-of-factly, causing Quincy to squint her eyes.

"A model? Maybe a video vixen from the 2000s-"

"Exactly! Yes! Can you see me being in a Nelly video?" Nicole stood up excitedly, twirling around in the camera to show off her outfit.

While Quinn wore a skin-tight, extremely backless jumpsuit that accentuated her God-given curves, Nicole wore the tiniest of tops and the shortest of skirts, accentuating her slim but hourglass figure.

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