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𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐎 felt trapped.

The past couple of days have been horrible, and this unrelenting Friday has been no different.

Every employee at Silva Industries & Co. unwillingly has had to work with the narcissistic and untamable boss that they had grown to hate.

Everyone could tell you that the implementation of Quincy in his life has made their work life sunshine and rainbows, the past three months being the happiest they have ever been.

Everyone has been working in overdrive, trying to make sure everything that Ignadio has worked so hard for is still in place, down to every single stock he has invested in.

Good news for them, the most kickback he's gotten were just questions and prying noses, everyone wanting to finally use this chance of weakness to pry into the most sought-after man's life.

His publicity has been moving mountains in terms of killing the various articles and tabloid exposés that have been appearing left and right, but it was like they were not a match for the internet.

But for some reason, Ignacio found bliss in the chaos.

He was able to remove a certain someone that had been plaguing his mind since Tuesday afternoon.

Quincy Avielle Brown.

It was now five in the early evening and Ignacio was finally on his way home from a long day of work.

The silence was deafening to him, making him drown himself in his thoughts of her, replaying the events over and over.

Where did he go wrong?

He found some faults in the information that Mr. Ryce had given him a true motive with some hardcore evidence.

The file had geared Quinn in a gold-digging light, but from his personal experiences with her, she has not once shown a negative attribute along those lines.

But then her constant lying made him reel back from any positive thoughts of her, leveling his mind back to zero.

His thoughts had been like this for the past three days, so to take his mind off things, he decided to go to Rio after work to meet up with someone, needing to get his mind off things.

Pulling into the club's parking lot, he locked his car and went through the establishment's back entrance, making his way through the dimly lit main level, only seeing a few customers in his line of vision.

"Well, you look like shit." His special guest laughed, sliding over the shot of brown liquor that he was about to throw back, wanting Ignacio to take it. "Maybe this will erase one of those wrinkles."

"I don't have wrinkles, Roman." Ignacio rolled his eyes and slid the brown liquor back to him, grimacing at the brandy. "You know I'm only a fan of liquor I could see through."

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