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𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓 had regretfully checked his phone when he had woken up on this beautiful Wednesday morning.

It was like cold water was thrown at him with how his body was riddled with shock.

"What the fuck is this?!" Jordan cursed loudly, unintentionally waking up the two women lying naked around him.

He had a pretty wild night, to say the least, and this was not how he expected to be brought back to reality.

Jordan Scott: Domestic Violence Offender

Jordan couldn't believe his eyes at what he had seen being sent to his phone.

The only reason why he was even awake before ten in the morning was because his manager had called him about 32 times, a new record for what his management team has done in the past.

"Scott! What the fuck is this?!" His manager screeched into the phone once he decided to pick up the 33rd call.

"I- I don't know! Who wrote this?!" Jordan began frantically scrolling through his social media platforms, his heart beating a mile a minute.

"Fuck! Just- just don't do anything! Stay put and stay off of your fucking phone!" The man yelled, hanging up before Jordan could say anything else.

Jordan was distraught.

In just a few hours of the morning, he was getting dropped from future brand deals left and right, along with his name being a trending hashtag on almost every platform.

"Okay, this won't be too bad," Jordan paced around the home he was renting in Calabasas. "My publicity team will handle this. We'll just say everything is a lie- no big deal."

Oh, but how wrong he was.

In just a couple more hours, it now being early in the afternoon, the next headline came out, completely shocking his entire existence.

Jordan Scott: Master of Silencing His Victims

Scott was now at his agency's office down in Santa Monica, about forty minutes away from his current residence, screaming to the high heavens.

He was currently flipping out– but who could blame him?

The whole world could.

"Silencing? What the fuck are we even talking about right now, Scott?" The head of his management team massaged his temples, not understanding how they took on such a detrimental client.

Did they not see the signs? Was their background check not thorough enough?

Of course not.

"I- I don't know, okay-"

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