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"And you thought it was right to hit her?" Ridgewood Academy's Junior High School Director sat back in her chair, eyeing 𝐍𝐎𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐀 up and down with a look of alarm.

"I never said it was right, but justified? Absolutely," Noel rolled her eyes and leaned back as well, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

Thanks dad.

"This is going to be the third time this month that I'm going to have to call home- and you know I hate to intrude on your family's personal lives-"

"So how about we not do that, yeah?" Noel raised her eyebrows hopefully, trying to get rid of her attitude and get on the director's nice side, even though she knows she's a big pain in her ass.

"You punched a girl!"

"She threatened me! What was I supposed to do?" Noel raised her hands in shock, exasperated by how extra this entire situation was.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe tell an adult?"

"I'm in the eighth grade! For crying out fucking loud-"


"Ugh, give me a break." Noel rolled her eyes, standing up from the Director's chair and grabbing her bookbag, making sure to smooth out the back of her skirt that seemed to be a bit short. "Let me know when my sister comes- do you have more of those blue-raspberry lollipops?"

"Just filled the bowl." The director waves Noel away with a sigh, already being way too acclimated with this routine of theirs.

Noel gave one curt nod before going into the director's waiting room, finding the bowl filled with the blue suckers before sitting in her usual lounge chair and kicking her feet up, turning on her phone so she can text her parents before the director calls.

You guys know how much I love you right?

What did you do?

I swear to God Noel

Yeah so sissy is gonna have to pick me up
I promise

You said that last time bebita

She was talking shit!!!!!!!!!
Like Ezra shit

Just so you know
Your mother's going to be very upset

The fact that she has to have a separate group chat from the regular family one already shows a lot, and since this isn't the first rodeo, the Silva's have gotten used to this routine.

Before Noel could wince at the long message her mother has sent her, she gets an incoming call from her twin.

"What do you want, Nasir?"

"Now why would you beat up my girlfriend?"

"You're dating that bitch? Ew, you can do better," Noel rolled her eyes, beginning to drum her fingertips on her thighs, already thinking of a beat to recreate when she gets home.

"Not cool Elle, seriously-"

"Oh relax! You should be glad I knocked some sense into her! She was the one being mean to me anyway." Noel argued, seeing Nasir start to loosen his tie due to frustration.

Yeah, he is way too young to be acting like their dad so soon.

"Whatever- let me know if Emmie comes to get you because I'm leaving too." Nasir quipped, hanging up before Noel could get a word in, scoffing at the abruptness.

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