Fifth grade poem

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Brady's point of view

The fifth grade poem. I've known Melanie since we we're in the fifth grade. I remember how she read a poem about a snail she titled it 'Don't rush me, please' our teacher assigned us to each write poems about ourselves. She wrote that one because she was always last in everything. The last to finish her assignment, the last to get in line, the last to get to class, the last in everything.

When she read that poem in front of the class is the day I feel in love with her. No like actually. I always wanted to be around her. She had my attention like no other girl did. Her beauty was so unbelievable. Never in my life have I seen anyone as gorgeous as her. I just wish she noticed me, or at least talked to me.

It's been seven years, how long do I have to wait for her to actually talk to me. With all honestly I can wait all year long. Although it's a bit exhausting, which leads me to actually consider maybe talking to her.


"Hi Brady." "Oh what's up Alex." One of my friends came up to me taking a seat next to me. While I wrote notes from history.

"What are you up to?" He asked me as he took his textbook, and notebook out of his backpack. I was using my free period to catch up on work. Which Alex had with me as well. "Nothing really just catching up on history class." I replied.

"Good. That's good." "yeah." He took a seat next to me as he opened his text book, flipping through pages. "I know this is probably a long shot but do you know a girl that has long brown hair, she has brown eyes, shes always carrying her books close to her." "Mm no...I don't think so." For some reason it sounded familiar. It was as if I knew her but nothing came in thought.

However, realization hit me. I knew who exactly he was talking about. She was really the only girl who only carried her books around. Yet she still looked so damn gorgeous. He was talking about Melanie Perez. Now really intrigued on what he wanted to do with her.

"Ooh wait does she hang out with phoebe?" "Yeah that's her. You know her?" Alex's eyes sparkled at her name, and I didn't like it a single bit.

"Kind of. I used to go with her in elementary." I smiled. "What's her name?" "Uhm Melanie. Why? Do you like her or something?" "Ah Melanie. No I don't like her you idiot. I mean shes like really pretty but I don't like her." "Then why ask about her." "I didn't believe Kai at first but now I do." "What are you talking about?" I asked, confused more than ever.

"Ooh no It's nothing. Kai just told me you sort of have a thing for her." "Well it's none of Kai's business, but yes. Yes I do. I mean who wouldn't she is so pretty, intelligent, kind. She's everything." I explained.

"Then why don't you talk to her? Who knows she might have a thing for you too." "Don't do that. Don't bring my hopes up. Don't be an ass."

"I'm not. But it wouldn't hurt trying." "Okay whatever." I sighed continuing with writing my notes.

"Ah shoot. I forgot to turn the assignment mrs. Gomez assigned us to do." I leaned back in my chair, grabbing the papers out of my backpack.

"Go. I'm sure she'd still accept it." Alex said as he was too focused on writing on his notebook.

"Okay, I'll be back. Make sure no one moves any stuff." "Unless it's Melanie right?" He teased, smirking at me. "Right. She can touch my stuff. Do whatever she wants." I softly chuckled. "Sure Noon." He laughed.

As I was heading out, I decide to read all my paper before handing it out. Checking for any errors, or any improvements I should make. I looked up making sure I didn't bump into any lockers or anything. Seeming as the coast was clear. Looking back at my papers again. When I turned the corner of the hallway, I was abruptly stopped. Completely Colliding into something or someone. My papers falling out to my hands.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry." She apologized. I looked up at her knowing whom it was. Was I dreaming? "No no it's okay. I'm sorry I should've been looking where I was going." Immediately apologizing.

Her voice was so soft, the aroma of her vanilla and strawberry perfume coming back to me, her teeth so perfect and white, her long brown hair now hitting her hips. Ooh she looks just like a dream.

She picked up my papers organizing them, as I picked up her books. All of them mostly being about school subjects. "Here you go. And I'll take those." She smiled, gently taking her books from my hands. "Thank you. I'm sorry again." I said.

"No really it's okay." "I'll see your around okay?" I slowly walked past her. Idiot move Brady. "Wait. Your Brady right?" She pointed at me curiously. "Uh yeah. Yes I am." I smiled at her. "You we're in my fifth grade class. We had mrs. Tate." "Yeah I remember. She made us write poems. Yours was about the snail." I laughed.

"You till remember that?" "Duh. I think it was pretty good. It was kind of hard to forget about ever since." "Well thank you." "Of course. So uhm anything new?" "No not really. Just getting school done." "Good, school is important." I added. "Right. Anyone new since fifth grade." She smirked at me. Teasing me about my little elementary girlfriend. "I didn't really like her. I was trying to make someone jealous which I know was wrong but I couldn't really get her out of my head." "Ooh well who's the lucky girl." She smiled.

"Ooh well she's...." I placed my hand on my neck, feeling nervous. Considering Alex's advice. "Did she move?" "No no she's still here. I just haven't found the right time to talk to her. The truth is I'm nervous." "Im sure she'd like to talk to you." "Melanie...the girl is you. The only reason I remember that poem was because of you. I've liked you since the day of the first day of school in fifth grade." I told her. Not sure how'd she react. Hopefully something good.

"Well then I'm one lucky girl. I like you too Brady. Like a lot. I've liked you since fifth grade as well. I just didn't tell you because I didn't think you would actually like me. I just wish you would've told me sonnet." She softly laughed.

"Your serious?" "Serious." "Wow so all this time I've been nervous for no reason." "Pretty much yeah." Fixing her books, as she didn't want them falling. "Where we're you going? I could walk you if you want." "Oh no I was just going to help mrs. Henderson with some stuff. Where we're you headed?" "I was going to turn in my assignment for mrs. Gomez"

"I'll walk you then." "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you." "It's no bother. Really."

We started walking to mrs. Gomez classroom as we talked on the way their.

"Wait Brady before you go can I give you my number?" "Obviously." "Great, here." She got out a sticky note writing her number. "Text me okay?"

Before she left she side hugged me. Which I didn't mind at all. I'm glad she did. I wish I would've talked to her sooner though. I've been hoping for this day since day one. Since the day the teacher assigned her to sit next to Connor. My twin brother, wishing that was me. Since the day she read her snail poem.

I just really hope I can get the chance to know her and be able to love her.

I just really hope I can get the chance to know her and be able to love her

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1338 words

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