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Donna's POV

In a panic, I turned around with a small yelp.

"Donna, what are you doin' out here so late?"

I squinted my eyes as the man got closer. I let out a sigh of relief. "Dallas, you scared me, Jesus Christ."

"Yeah, you should consider yourself lucky that it was just me. You know what kinda danger you could get into?"

"I know. I wasn't really paying attention to what time it was." I said stuttering over my words.

"It's almost eleven at night."

"Shit... really?"


"God, Darry's gonna have my head."

"You headin' back home?"


"I'll walk you back. Got some time before I gotta get to Bucks. Doin' drinks tonight."

I forgot Dally worked at Bucks every once in a while. I had to say, out of all the guys, Dallas and I were probably the least close of the group.

"That's okay." I uttered. "I'll be alright."

"Yeah, well if you weren't alright and your brothers found out I let you walk alone, they'd have my head." I was silent for a moment. Even with the dark of the night I could still see his face clear as day. "You don't wanna go back home, do ya?"

I sighed. "Not really. But I don't really got much of a choice."

"Come back to Bucks with me, and I'll drive you home during my break. I'll take the blame and that way you get home safe and a bit more time to get yourself together."

I didn't have any time to protest before he started walking. Despite my better judgement, I went with him.

I saw the red glow from the building and realized we were pretty much there. I could already smell the building from here. "Uhh... Dal, I hope you know I don't need a babysitter."

"You're a big girl. Wasn't planning on watching your every move."

Well that certainly shut that down.

I sighed and we walked inside. He went behind the bar and I sat at the very end playing with my fingers. I didn't think I fit in this type of scene.

I was there for maybe a couple minutes before a guy sat next to me. "Hey." He said.

I looked around to make sure he was talking to me. "Uhh... hi?"

He giggled a bit. "Sorry. Don't mean to worry ya. Never seen you around here before. I'm here almost everyday."

I could tell.

I know it's bad to judge a book by its cover, or whatever the saying is, but this was one of those times where I could just pick up the idea that he was here every night. Or if not here, some bar in town.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I looked at Dallas for help, but he seemed busy and I forgot I told him not to babysit me. "DJ." I said plainly. "My names DJ."

"DJ? Never heard that before. Is it a nickname?"

"What's your name?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Mark. Mark Varr. Nice to meet ya, DJ."

"Yeah... you too..."

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Oh, that's-"

"Excuse me, sir?" He said. Dallas looked over at us and cocked an eyebrow. "Can I get a round on me?"

"A round? A round of what?" I asked.

"A round of shots? Some whiskey?"

"Oh! Oh, my. Uhh..."

"A round coming up." Dallas said with a grin.

"No, no. That's okay. I'm okay."

"What, can't shoot it?"

"No, no, no. I could. I just don't... I don't wanna drink. Gotta get home somehow." I said with a fake laugh.

"I can always drive you home, sweetheart."

I felt myself tense up. "Uhh... that's okay. If you're gonna drink I probably wouldn't get in your car anyway." I said with a laugh. "Plus, I've already got a ride home."

"Who? There's barely anyone here."

"Uhh... the bartender? Dallas..." I said awkwardly.

"Then you can take a shot if you've got a ride."


Dallas hit the two glasses against the counter and told us to enjoy. God, he was being insufferable at the moment.

"Take it." He said.

I sighed. I guess maybe this was a way to get my mind off of mom and dad...

I took the shot and coughed as I did. Mark laughed and so did Dallas.

"Maybe a shot wasn't a good idea for a beginner." Dallas said.

"Beginner?" I said in shock.

I was, but no need to embarrass me.

"Yeah, I dunno if Yukon Jack is a good starter drink."

I didn't even know what that was. I knew nothing about alcohol.

"Gimme another one. I guarantee you, I will be fine." I said with a snarky look.

I had some fatal flaws. One of them was that I have a hard time saying 'no.' I just feel like it makes people feel bad. And my other flaw is that I hate when people call me out. Like exactly what Dallas did. Embarrassment is a huge thing that I cannot stand. Even when, in reality, it's not all too embarassing.

Looking back, I should have said no and realized that saying no to a drink (especially when I'm underage) was not embarrassing.

Dallas looked at me when I asked for it. He poured it, however, and put it in front of me.

I knew what it was like now. I just had to breathe and take it like I'm taking a pill.

I took the shot and put the glass back down. My throat was burning, but I did everything in my power to not let it show. Dallas kept his eye contact with me until I didn't budge. The second he turned around I took a sip of my water.

"Well, I guess I'll close my tab. Hope you didn't mind me flirting with your girl." He said to Dallas with a laugh.

"I am not his girl."

Dallas just cashed the guy out and ignored the comment.

He walked out and Dallas looked at me. "What the hell is the matter with you?"

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