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I hugged Dally after I noticed it was him. "What are you doing here?"

"Got out early. Good behavior."

"Really?" I asked in shock.

"Why so skeptical all the time?"

"Just shocking."

"I guess I had to do a little begging. But it worked out pretty well."

"Yeah, it did."

It took me a moment to process that this is the person Darry was talking to. I wanted to ask about it, but I didn't.

If Darry wanted me to know he would have said it to me as well. Or in front of the guys.

I had to admit, though. I was kinda nervous over it.

The guys and Julia spent some time at our house before heading home. Had to say, I would have probably stayed out longer if I didn't work in the morning.

I was in bed and I heard a knock.

Out of instinct, I looked at the door, but I had a guess where it was really coming from.

Dallas Winston at my window. I opened it. "We have to stop meeting like this." I said with a grin.

He smiled back while smoking his cigarette. "I didn't get to see you a lot tonight. Thought I'd stop by."

I grabbed my shoes without a word and hopped outside. "So you're an adult now?" He said with a laugh.

"Yeah, and so are you! How was your birthday in the cooler?"

"Just an average day. Probably would have done nothing if I was out."

It kinda made me feel bad when he said that. I always liked birthdays. Last year was a bit of an exception for Darry and I since mom and dad had passed not even a month ago. But otherwise we always did something.

Maybe it was just us. I mean, when you think about it, what are you really celebrating?

But I also know everyone celebrates here. I guess when you grow up in a unique environment like Dal's, you miss out on some stuff like that.

"So, I think I still owe you a date." Dallas said. "Whaddya doin' tomorrow?"

"I'm free anytime after four." I said with a slight smile.

"Alright. I'll be at your place at five."

"Sounds good."

"Talked to your brother tonight."

"I noticed."

"Didn't seem too thrilled." He said with a laugh.

"Really? Why is that funny?"

"It's not, really. Just the way it went down was funny. Johnny, Ponyboy, and your friend from school knew I was coming, but I think Darry had a hunch."

"He had a hunch? What, that you were gettin' out?"

"Yeah. Ponyboy probably slipped."

"Did he say anything... weird?"

"Not anything I wouldn't expect."

"Sorry, I know he can be pushy."

"He cares about you. Wants to make sure you aren't gonna get hurt."

"Yeah, I know. I just know it can be a lot. Y'know?"

"I thought it was alright. He kinda just asked if I was serious and I said yeah. Then he said that you weren't in a place to get hurt. And I said that I wasn't gonna let it happen. He's alright. He's probably shocked, but he's alright."

"I would hope so. The last thing I'd wanna do is make him uncomfortable or nervous about me all the time."

"He'll get used to it. It's new all around and it's gonna be weird, but I guarantee you he'll be fine."

"Let's hope you're right."

We walked around a bit longer before I decided it was best to go home. Our night was pretty much filled with innocent conversation.

I got off of work the next day and sprinted home to get changed and fix myself up before Dallas got there.

I curled my hair and fixed my makeup before putting on a nice-ish outfit.

Nothing too fancy, but a little nicer than the average day.

I had a small feeling deep down that Dally was gonna bail and then I'd have to tell Darry and he'd probably never look at Dallas again.

I sat on the couch nervously preparing myself for how I was gonna tell him.

Until Dally walked in the door. I quickly stood up. "Oh! You made it!" I said with a laugh.

"Wouldn't miss it. Come on."

"I'm leaving!" I called out to make sure the guys knew.

We walked to a restaurant downtown and I had to say, I enjoyed myself. My first real date.

Because Dallas and I already knew each other, there was no awkward conversation. It felt so natural.

I'm gonna be honest, there's not much to say after that.

After one more date, Dallas and I officially got together. Exclusive.

It didn't take long, because we were already close. We had each other in our lives for so long that at this point, it just felt right.

Soda and Pony were accepting of it. Sodapop was happy for me. Ponyboy was shocked, but happy.

Darry took a bit longer to process. But I know he was just looking out for me.

Johnny recovered to his best ability pretty quickly after being released. He had a limp and was probably gonna have that until he dies.

Steve and Two-Bit carried on their lives as usual. Two-Bit did always find a way to crack a joke about Dallas and I... especially dirty ones.

But that's just Two-Bit for ya.

The whole greaser and Soc thing kinda died out as well. Don't get me wrong, we were still enemies. But the fighting and constant bickering died down and time went on.

But most importantly, I was happy.

I always thought there was nothing special about me. How I would never be anything to anyone.

But Dallas brought up a lot how he was jealous over the fact I could get anyone to like me. I had a way with words. And something about that brought people in.

I never did quite understand it to the extent he described it. But it did give me some insight on being human.

I really was something.

And Dallas will never go a day where he doesn't remind me of that.

I was happy where I'm at.

I have a family again.

And I'm not just talking about my brothers.

But a real family. One that cares about me.

Steve, Johnny, Two-Bit, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Darrel, and Dallas Winston.

Trust me, I'm still in shock, too.

But I have a good feeling things are gonna be pretty good from here on out.

The End :)

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