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"What? What's wrong with me?"

"Yeah. You can't just flirt with some older guy in a bar like this. You know what he could have done to you?"

"Uh... I mean, yeah I guess."

"I thought you'd be able to handle yourself. What happened to that?"

"I can! I was fine." I said crossing my arms. "And he didn't do anything because he thought I was your girlfriend."

"You seemed pretty quick to clarify you weren't."

"Well... yeah. 'Cause I'm not."

"Look, don't talk to anyone drunk guys tonight. Got it? If I ain't lookin', they can do whatever they want."

"I don't need a babysitter!" I yelled with a slight chuckle.

"Whatever you say, doll."

The night went on a bit more and at some point in the night, probably early on, I asked for another shot. And another. And another.

I don't know why. I like to think it was to take my mind off of mom and dad. I will say, it worked.


I woke up with a pounding headache. My hair was over my face and I was buried in my pillow. I rubbed my eyes and groaned as I twisted around.

My pillow smells weird. I didn't realize I needed to run my pillowcase to the dry cleaners.

I ultimately decided to keep myself buried in the pillow and under the blankets.

"Come on, doll, get up."

My eyes shot open.

Holy fuck.

"What in the world..." I uttered.

I was in Dallas Winston's room.

I looked around to try and be more aware of my surroundings. I was in nothing but a bra. I freaked out and pulled the blanket to my side of the bed.

"Hey! It's cold."

"What happened?" I yelled.

Dallas sat up a bit before putting his jeans back on. I was stuck staring forward to try and recollect any memory I had.

"I didn't think you had that much to drink."

"No, no, it's coming back a bit..."


The door was locked and my brain was not where it should be. "Doll, I can't take you home like this."

"No, Darry will kill me."

"Better start thinking of excuses, 'cause they ain't gonna like this."

"I am!" I scolded. "What am I supposed to do if I can't go home?" I asked.

"You can spend the night here. I'll figure something out."

I wasn't in the mood to argue or protest.

Dallas shut the place down and turned the lights off.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed."

We walked upstairs and I noticed I was stumbling a bit.

I slumped on his bed and he took his shirt off and threw it in the corner. 

How did I never notice how good he looked?

He had these perfectly defined abs that sculpted so well with his chest.

His arms looked like they were as big as my waist.


"No." I said quickly.

Yes. Yes I was.

"Alright. Get some rest." He said opening the door.

"What? You're not staying here?" I asked.


"Why not?" I drawled.

He stared at me blankly.

I went from laying on my stomach to rolling over on my back and letting my hair fall down the side of the bed. "Please." I said kicking my legs.

"Jesus Christ." He muttered.

I sat up on my knees and he got closer to me. His hair was perfectly draped over his forehead. We were so close he was almost touching me.

I grabbed his face and I just started making out with him.

He didn't pull away which was a good sign.

I wanted this man.

And I've never felt like this before.

His hands made his way to my waist and my fingers were tangled in his hair.


"Holy shit!" I yelled. "Did I just fuck you?" I screamed. He laughed. "Dallas!"

"What?" He said putting his jacket on. "You instigated it."

"I know!" I groaned as I leaned back on the bed. "Oh, God. What did I do?"

"Relax, doll. It's alright. I'll get you home, come on."

I quickly put my clothes back on and the drive to my house was awkward and silent.

I couldn't believe myself.

"Stop here. I don't want Darry knowing I was with you. I'm gonna tell him I was with Julia."


I collected my things and as I was about to open the door, I spoke up. "Would you be down to do that again?" I asked.

He looked at me in shock. "Really?"

"I dunno. Maybe?"

He hesitated for a moment. "You know where to find me."

"Might take ya up on that. See ya around."

"See ya."

I hopped out of the car and he drove back to bucks.

I was nervous for what Darry was gonna do. But he's not my dad. What's the worst that could happen?

I opened the door and threw my bag to the floor.

Sodapop and Ponyboy looked at me and they let out a sigh of relief. Darry came out from the kitchen. "Where the hell were you last night?" He asked. He was definitely angry with me.

"I spent the night at Julia's..." I uttered.

"I don't believe that for one second."


"You're still in yesterday's clothes, your makeup is still on, and Julia left our house after you did. Where were you?"

Shit. Think, Donna, think!

"I went to Julia's. I was too tired to take my makeup off. I wore her pajamas and gave them back when I left, and I took a walk. She just caught up to me and offered it. Get off my back. You're not my parent."

"No, but since you are a child and your parents are gone, I am taking care of you, understand? You can't do this shit anymore!"

I didn't say anything. I just walked to my room.

I stumbled onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, processing everything I had done last night.

But there was only a few words that I could think of.

I fucked Dallas Winston.

And I enjoyed it.

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