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I noticed more and more people starting to call me "DJ" instead of "Donna."

I hated to say it, but I liked it. It was something new. Something fresh.

Friday morning came and I got ready for school. The last day before break.

I straightened my hair and put on some makeup. I had decent clothes on for school. But I was honestly ready to just get to tonight.

I walked out of my room and smelled the nice scent of well-done eggs.

I sat down at the table and Ponyboy and Sodapop both looked at me. They stopped their conversation and waited patiently for Darry to finish breakfast.

Darry came out and laid the plates in front of us.

It was silent for a moment. Darry finally spoke up. "Don't you think you're a bit... uh... dressed up for school?"

I paused and set my fork down. "Huh?" I asked.

"I mean, it's just school. Don't you think it's a lot?"

"No. I'm heading over to Julia's after and we're heading to the Dingo. Don't wanna have to get ready all over again later."

He didn't say anything after that. I felt so bad lying to my brothers. But I know they wouldn't approve if it was anything else.

"Alright. Pony, DJ, go get your stuff and get to school. Sodapop, you got your uniform?"

"Yeah it's in my bedroom."

"Alright. Someone clean up the dishes and get to your place."

We all groaned. "You made it. Why do we have to clean it?" Ponyboy asked.

"Exactly. He made us food and we can thank him by cleaning it up."

We slowly made that rule over time. Whoever woke up first made breakfast and then the others will clean it up.

I went to school and I definitely got a few looks from people. I figured they were all kinda judging me. But I didn't even care. I truly didn't. I just wanted it to be night already.

I did end up heading to Julia's for a bit after school. We didn't go to the Dingo or anything, but I didn't wanna sit at the bar all night waiting for Dallas to finish his shift.

I left Julia's around 1:30. I told her I was going home and I didn't feel well, but I went over to Buck's instead.

The place was pretty busy and Dallas was behind the counter. He wasn't moving very quick, but he had his arms folded over the other as he observed the room. I went to the other side and leaned over a guy. "Hey, Dal." I said awkwardly.

He focused his attention onto me. "Hey, DJ. Should be done in about an hour."

"Sounds good. Could I get a couple beers?"

He walked closer to me. "You sure that's a good idea?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I dunno. Feel like it would be awkward if I wasn't sober."

He didn't change his face but instead just handed me a beer. I sat down at the end and drank it pretty quickly. I pulled a cigarette out of my bag and lit it up.

He served someone else a drink and before the place closed I had a few more myself.

Everyone finally emptied out and I was a little out of it. Not as much as last time, but enough to where I would be more excited about tonight.

I was nervous being here.

I didn't belong here.

But I wanted him.

So if this was what I had to do, I would do it.

He cleaned up a bit, but I knew it wasn't to the point where he was finished.

We walked upstairs and I struggled while doing it. I lost my balance a bit, but I didn't fall. Just tripped.

We made it to his room and before I could even shut the door he had me pinned against it.

His tongue slid down my throat as we both pushed for dominance.

He had me locked in.

I lifted his shirt off as he did with mine.

We made it to the bed and every little worry of mine was gone. I was happy to be here. I was excited, thrilled.

The last time I noticed on the clock was 5:22. I pretty much fell asleep after that.

I woke up before Dallas and put my clothes on. It was only 8:00 so I was still pretty tired. But I slipped outside and walked home.

I stopped at a corner store to buy some makeup remover so I didn't come home like last time and have them question what I was doing.

I put the remover in my bag and walked in the door. Everyone was up and moving around. Sodapop and Darry getting ready for work and Ponyboy was cleaning up the place a bit. Steve was there too waiting for Sodapop.

"Hey, DJ." Steve said.

"Hi." I said tiredly.

"Have fun last night?" Sodapop asked with a grin.

"Yeah." I said with a slight smile as I recalled what actually had happened.

"Come on, Soda. You're gonna be late." Darry called out.

Steve got up off the couch and walked next to me. "Looks like you had a long night. Went to the Dingo?"

"Yeah." I said quickly. "Yeah we just... we had fun." I said.

I was so obviously lying, but my head was pounding and I really just wanted to get back to bed.

I walked past everyone and made it to my bedroom. My hair wasn't as straight as it was yesterday, but I didn't mind at the moment. I put it in a bun and figured I'd shower later. I took some Motrin before I put on my pajamas and slumped into my comfy bed.

My mind was awake. I wanted to think about last night. I envisioned it in my mind. But it was all quickly cut off before I fell asleep with the sound of the front door slamming shut.

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